首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >Effect of weekly zinc supplements on incidence of pneumonia and diarrhoea in children younger than 2 years in an urban, low-income population in Bangladesh: randomised controlled trial.

Effect of weekly zinc supplements on incidence of pneumonia and diarrhoea in children younger than 2 years in an urban, low-income population in Bangladesh: randomised controlled trial.


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BACKGROUND: Pneumonia and diarrhoea cause much morbidity and mortality in children younger than 5 years. Most deaths occur during infancy and in developing countries. Daily regimens of zinc have been reported to prevent acute lower respiratory tract infection and diarrhoea, and to reduce child mortality. We aimed to examine whether giving zinc weekly could prevent clinical pneumonia and diarrhoea in children younger than 2 years. METHODS: 1665 poor, urban children aged 60 days to 12 months were randomly assigned zinc (70 mg) or placebo orally once weekly for 12 months. Children were assessed every week by field research assistants. Our primary outcomes were the rate of pneumonia and diarrhoea. The rates of other respiratory tract infections were the secondary outcomes. Growth, final serum copper, and final haemoglobin were also measured. Analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS: 34 children were excluded before random assignment to treatment group because they had tuberculosis. 809 children were assigned zinc, and 812 placebo. After treatment assignment, 103 children in the treatment group and 44 in the control group withdrew. There were significantly fewer incidents of pneumonia in the zinc group than the control group (199 vs 286; relative risk 0.83, 95% CI 0.73-0.95), and a small but significant effect on incidence of diarrhoea (1881 cases vs 2407; 0.94, 0.88-0.99). There were two deaths in the zinc group and 14 in the placebo group (p=0.013). There were no pneumonia-related deaths in the zinc group, but ten in the placebo group (p=0.013). The zinc group had a small gain in height, but not weight at 10 months compared with the placebo group. Serum copper and haemoglobin concentrations were not adversely affected after 10 months of zinc supplementation. INTERPRETATION: 70 mg of zinc weekly reduces pneumonia and mortality in young children. However, compliance with weekly intake might be problematic outside a research programme.
机译:背景:肺炎和腹泻会导致5岁以下儿童的发病率和死亡率大大增加。大多数死亡发生在婴儿期和发展中国家。据报道,锌的日常使用可以预防急性下呼吸道感染和腹泻,并降低儿童死亡率。我们旨在检查每周服用锌是否可以预防2岁以下儿童的临床肺炎和腹泻。方法:1665名年龄在60天至12个月的城市贫困儿童,被随机分配一次锌(70 mg)或安慰剂,每周一次,连续12个月。每周由现场研究助理对儿童进行评估。我们的主要结局是肺炎和腹泻的发生率。次要结果是其他呼吸道感染的发生率。还测量了生长,最终血清铜和最终血红蛋白。分析是按意向进行的。结果:34例患结核病的儿童在被随机分配到治疗组之前被排除在外。 809名儿童被分配了锌,812名安慰剂。分配治疗后,治疗组的103名儿童和对照组的44名儿童退出。锌组的肺炎发生率明显少于对照组(199比286;相对危险度0.83,95%CI 0.73-0.95),对腹泻发生率的影响很小(但显着)(1881例vs 2407; 0.94, 0.88-0.99)。锌组有2例死亡,安慰剂组有14例死亡(p = 0.013)。锌组中没有与肺炎相关的死亡,而安慰剂组中有10例(p = 0.013)。与安慰剂组相比,锌组在10个月时身高增加很小,但体重却没有增加。补充锌10个月后,血清铜和血红蛋白浓度未受到不利影响。解释:每周70毫克锌可降低幼儿的肺炎和死亡率。但是,在研究计划之外,每周摄入量的合规性可能会出现问题。



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