首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >Effect of losartan on sudden cardiac death in people with diabetes: data from the LIFE study.

Effect of losartan on sudden cardiac death in people with diabetes: data from the LIFE study.


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In the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study, a major reduction of all-cause mortality--especially cardiovascular mortality--in patients with diabetes with left ventricular hypertrophy was reported for treatment with losartan. We postulated post hoc that losartan might have a better effect on sudden cardiac death than atenolol, and we aimed to test this hypothesis. 44 patients with diabetes died of sudden cardiac death; significantly fewer deaths arose in the losartan group (14) than in the atenolol group (30; p=0.027). In the losartan group, five (6%) of 86 patients with diabetes and atrial fibrillation during the trial died of sudden cardiac death compared with nine (2%) of 500 in those without atrial fibrillation. The respective figures for the atenolol group were 14 (13%) of 105 and 16 (3%) of 504. Our results suggest losartan affords better protection against cardiac death from arrhythmias for patients with diabetes mellitus than does atenolol. Importantly, our analyses were exploratory and require confirmation.
机译:在Losartan降低终点血压干预措施(LIFE)的研究中,氯沙坦治疗可导致患有左心室肥厚的糖尿病患者的全因死亡率(尤其是心血管疾病死亡率)大幅降低。我们推测,氯沙坦可能比阿替洛尔对心源性猝死有更好的疗效,我们的目的是检验这一假设。 44例糖尿病患者死于心源性猝死;氯沙坦组(14)的死亡人数明显少于阿替洛尔组(30; p = 0.027)。在氯沙坦组中,该试验期间有糖尿病和房颤的86例患者中有五(6%)人死于心源性猝死,而没有房颤的500例中有9例(2%)。阿替洛尔组的相应数字分别为105(14)(13%)和504(16%)(3%)。我们的结果表明,氯沙坦比阿替洛尔对糖尿病患者的心律失常能提供更好的预防心律失常的保护作用。重要的是,我们的分析是探索性的,需要确认。



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