首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Study on reproduction of captive marine mammals.

Study on reproduction of captive marine mammals.


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The reproductive endocrinological characteristics of beluga, killer whale, spotted seal and bottlenose dolphin were evaluated and used in conjunction with applied reproductive research to enhance captive breeding programs. Results from 8 y of biweekly serum progesterone determination in a female beluga indicated that sexual maturity occured at approximately age 13, two to seven estrous cycles, lasting 37 +/- 3.9 days, per yr began in April-May every year. Rectal temperature was positively correlated with serum progesterone levels and negatively associated with behavioral estrus. In five cases of pregnancy of two female killer whale, positive relationship was found between serum progesterone concentration and temperature during the first period of 18 month-gestation. In the normal parturitions (n=4), rectal temperature decreased 0.8 C lower than average rectal temperature during pregnancy. Sexual maturity of female killer whales occurred at age nine. Yearly contraception in the mono-estrus captive spotted seals (n=10) using a single dose of the progestagen (proligestone(TM); 5 or 10 mg/kg s.c.) was achieved in 94% (33/35) of the attempts over 5 yr when the hormone was administered two months prior to the breeding season. Artificial insemination trials (n=4) were conducted in female bottlenose dolphin (n=3) using fresh and frozen-thawed semen. Estrus synchronization using regumate (27 days) resulted in ovulation occurring 19 to 24 days post withdrawal. Conception was confirmed in 75% of the attempts, with two females successfully delivering calves.
机译:对白鲸,虎鲸,斑海豹和宽吻海豚的生殖内分泌特性进行了评估,并与应用生殖研究相结合,以增强圈养繁殖计划。雌性白鲸每两周进行一次8周血清孕酮测定的结果表明,性成熟大约发生在13岁左右,从每年的4月至5月开始,每年有2至7个发情周期,持续37 +/- 3.9天。直肠温度与血清孕酮水平呈正相关,与行为发情呈负相关。在怀孕的两只母虎鲸中,有五例怀孕,在妊娠18个月的第一阶段,血清孕酮浓度与体温呈正相关。在正常分娩(n = 4)中,直肠温度比怀孕期间的平均直肠温度低0.8C。雌性虎鲸的性成熟发生在九岁。在94%(33/35)的尝试中,使用单剂量的孕激素(proligestone(TM); 5或10 mg / kg sc)在单发情期圈闭斑点海豹(n = 10)中每年进行避孕在繁殖季节前两个月服用激素时5年。使用新鲜和冷冻融化的精液在雌性宽吻海豚(n = 3)中进行人工授精试验(n = 4)。使用调节剂(27天)发情同步导致排卵发生在撤药后19至24天。在75%的尝试中确认了受孕,两名雌性成功分娩了小牛。



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