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Whyis a raven like a writing desk?Origins of the sunflower that isneither an artichoke nor fromJerusalem


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The Mad Hatter asks a nonsensical riddle at his tea party whereAlice drops in on her way through Wonderland – Lewis Carrolllater contended that the conundrum had no answer, although manyhave tried to find one. Polyploid plant complexes, like the one towhich the Jerusalem Artichoke belongs, have long been seeminglyimpenetrable riddles like that of the Mad Hatter, but Bock et al., inthis issue of New Phytologist (pp. 1021–1030) use a new moleculartechnique coupled with deep understanding of the plants themselvesto unravel this complex story. The origins of this ‘minor’cultivated plant have been elucidated, and very elegantly too. TheJerusalem Artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus, a member of the daisyfamily and of the same genus as the cultivated sunflower Helianthusannuus, illustrates well the vagaries of common names – oncecoined they stick. Investigation of the origins of cultivated plantscan be fraught with problems, among them common names thatcan mislead.
机译:疯帽匠在他的茶话会上问了一个荒谬的谜语,爱丽丝在仙境中坠入爱河-刘易斯·卡罗拉特(Lewis Carrolllater)辩称,这个难题没有答案,尽管许多人都试图找到答案。多倍体植物复合物,如菊芋所属的复合物,长期以来似乎像疯子帽匠一样难以理解,但博克等人在本期《新植物学家》(第1021–1030页)中使用了一种新的分子技术,并结合了深对植物本身的了解解开了这个复杂的故事。这种“次要”种植植物的起源已经被阐明,并且非常优雅。菊芋是菊科的一员,与栽培的向日葵向日葵属相同,很好地说明了普通名的变幻莫测。对栽培植物起源的调查可能会充满问题,其中常见的名称可能会误导他人。



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