首页> 外文期刊>The Netherlands journal of medicine. >HIV testing as a normal diagnostic procedure

HIV testing as a normal diagnostic procedure


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Since improved antiretroviral therapy has normalised the life expectancy of HIV-infected individuals, HIV is no longer considered an important medical problem in the Netherlands. This is not only the feeling of the general public, but unfortunately also of doctors working outside the HIV field.The cases described by Hermans et al. in this journal1 are no exception: we often encounter patients with clear symptomatic clues for an HIV infection, who have been through several expensive and invasive diagnostic procedures, before an HIV test is considered. The unfortunate result is that in the Netherlands, even in 2010, 56% of patients were diagnosed as so-called late presenters: individuals either presenting for care with a CD/|.-cell count below 350 cells/mm3 (normally between 800-1200 cells/mm3) or presenting with an AIDS-defining event regardless of the CD4 count.2 Late diagnoses are associated with poorer prognoses and increased medical costs.3 Furthermore, when individuals are unaware of their HIV status, they cannot take preventive measures against transmitting the virus to other people.
机译:由于改良的抗逆转录病毒疗法已使感染HIV的个体的预期寿命正常化,因此在荷兰,HIV不再被视为重要的医学问题。这不仅是普通大众的感觉,而且不幸的是,这也是在HIV领域以外工作的医生的感觉。在本期刊中1也不例外:我们经常会遇到有明确症状的HIV感染线索的​​患者,在考虑进行HIV测试之前,这些患者已经通过几种昂贵的侵入性诊断程序。不幸的结果是,即使在2010年,在荷兰,也有56%的患者被诊断为所谓的晚期呈报者:CD / | -cell计数低于350细胞/ mm3(通常为800- 1200个细胞/ mm3)或不考虑CD4计数而出现艾滋病的事件。2晚期诊断与较差的预后和增加的医疗费用有关。3此外,当个人不了解其HIV状况时,他们将无法采取预防措施将病毒传播给其他人。



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