首页> 外文期刊>The New Zealand dental journal >Oral health and well-being of older adults in residential aged-care facilities: issues for public health policy.

Oral health and well-being of older adults in residential aged-care facilities: issues for public health policy.


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New Zealand is no exception to the global trend of population ageing. Approximately 500,000 New Zealanders (12% of the population) are aged 65 years and over, and the expectation is that this figure will exceed 1 million (21%) by the late 2020s; the fastest growing sub-group is adults aged over 85 years . In parallel with this trend is an epidemiological transition: older adults are retaining more of their own teeth and the proportion that are edentulous is reducing dramatically (Carter et al, 2004; Petersen and Yamamoto, 2005; Thomson, 1997; World Health Organization, 2006). This predisposes older adults to oral diseases: dental caries occurs at a rate over time which is similar to that of adolescents (Thomson, 2004), and the prevalence of periodontal disease is greater than any other age group (Lavigne, 2008; Chalmers and Ettinger, 2008).
机译:新西兰也不例外于全球人口老龄化趋势。大约有500,000新西兰人(占人口的12%)年龄在65岁及以上,预计到2020年代末,这一数字将超过100万(21%);增长最快的子群体是85岁以上的成年人。与这种趋势同时出现的是流行病学转变:老年人保留了更多的自己的牙齿,无牙的比例急剧减少(Carter等,2004; Petersen和Yamamoto,2005; Thomson,1997;世界卫生组织,2006)。 )。这使老年人容易患口腔疾病:随着时间的流逝,龋齿的发生率与青少年相似(汤姆森,2004年),牙周疾病的患病率高于其他任何年龄组(拉维涅,2008年;查默斯和艾丁格,2008)。



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