首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society >The impact of Hurricane Frances (2004) on the invasive Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas

The impact of Hurricane Frances (2004) on the invasive Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas

机译:弗朗西斯飓风(2004年)对巴哈马圣萨尔瓦多岛上入侵的澳大利亚松树(Casuarina equisetifolia L.)的影响

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On September 2, 2004 Hurricane Frances (Category 3) passed directly over San Salvador Island, The Bahamas. This event offered the opportunity to gather baseline data regarding the impact of hurricanes on populations of the invasive Australian pine (Casuarina equisettifolia L.) in the Bahamas. Results of vegetation surveys within both forest stands and beach environments suggest that the overall impact of this hurricane was minimal. Less than 13% of forest individuals and 17% of beach individuals surveyed were damaged, and the majority of damage was restricted to just one location for both the forest and beach Study sites. The most common damage type within the forest sites was "snapped" trees (8%) and this primarily occurred within trees ranging in size from 7-12 cm in diameter. Browning of the entire foliage was the most common damage type within the beach sites (9.3%) but this damage type Only Occurred within tree sizes less than or equal to 90 cm in height. Thus it appears that Hurricane Frances had a negligible effect on Australian pine Populations as a whole on San Salvador Island and that this disturbance event will probably not limit future population expansion. It is suggested that more powerful or more frequent hurricanes Would be needed to significantly affect Australian pine populations on San Salvador Island. Similar patterns in damage should be expected with comparable hurricane events on other islands in the Bahamas and for other tropical beaches in which this species has invaded.
机译:2004年9月2日,弗朗西斯飓风(第3类)直接越过巴哈马的圣萨尔瓦多岛。这次活动提供了收集有关飓风对巴哈马侵入澳大利亚松树(Casuarina equisettifolia L.)种群影响的基准数据的机会。在林分和海滩环境中进行的植被调查结果表明,这种飓风的总体影响很小。接受调查的不到13%的森林个体和17%的海滩个体受到破坏,并且大多数破坏仅限于森林和海滩研究地点的一个地点。在森林中,最常见的破坏类型是“被掠夺”的树木(8%),主要发生在直径在7-12厘米之间的树木中。整个树叶的褐变是海滩站点中最常见的损坏类型(9.3%),但是这种损坏类型仅发生在高度小于或等于90 cm的树木中。因此,弗朗西斯飓风似乎对圣萨尔瓦多岛的整个澳大利亚松树种群的影响可忽略不计,这种干扰事件可能不会限制未来的种群扩张。建议需要更大或更频繁的飓风来显着影响圣萨尔瓦多岛上的澳大利亚松树种群。在巴哈马其他岛屿以及其他入侵该物种的热带海滩上,预计会有类似的飓风袭击事件。



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