首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the London Mathematical Society >On subnormality criteria for subgroups in finite groups

On subnormality criteria for subgroups in finite groups


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Let H be a subgroup of a finite group G and let SG1(H)be the set of all elements g of G such that H is subnormal in H, Hg. A result of Wielandt states that H is subnormal in G if and only if G = SG1(H). In this paper, we let A be a subgroup of G contained in SG1(H) and ask if this implies (and therefore is equivalent to) the subnormality of H in H, A. We show with an example that the answer is no, even for soluble groups with Sylow subgroups of nilpotency class at most 2. However, we prove that the two conditions are equivalent whenever A either is subnormal in G or has p-power index in G (for p any prime number).
机译:令H为有限群G的子群,令SG1(H)为G的所有元素g的集合,使得H在H,Hg中为次正规的。 Wielandt的结果表明,当且仅当G = SG1(H)时,H在G中是次正规的。在本文中,我们将A作为SG1(H)中包含的G的一个子组,并询问这是否暗含(并因此等价于)H在A中的H的次正规性。我们以一个示例证明答案为否,即使对于最多数为Nypotency类的Sylow子群的可溶基团,也是如此。但是,我们证明,只要A在G中为非正规或在G中具有p幂指数(对于p为任何质数),这两个条件就相等。



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