首页> 外文期刊>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Epidemiological study of clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis along the Geum-gang (River) in Okcheon-gun (County), Korea

Epidemiological study of clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis along the Geum-gang (River) in Okcheon-gun (County), Korea


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The endemic status of clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis along the Geumgang (River) in Okcheon gun (County) in Korea was examined. From February to December 2000. stools of total 1.081 inhabitants living in 5 villages were examined. Each stool specimen was examined by both the cellophane thick smear method and the formalin-ether sedimentation technique. Egg-positive cases were further analyzed by Stoll's egg-counting technique, and praxiquantel was administered to positive cases. The egg-positive rates for Clonorchis sinensis and Metagonimus species were 9.3 percent and 5.5 percent. respectively, and the double infection rale was 3.5 percent. The numbers of eggs per gram (EPG) of feres of C. sineiisis and Metagonimus sp. were 918 +- 1.463 and 711 +-947. respectively. The egg-positive rates for C. siensis and Metagonimus sp. in the riverside area were 14.2 percent and 8.4 percent. respectively, which were significantly higher than those of the inland area (3.2 percent and 1.7 percent. respectively). The egg-positive rates of C. sinensis and Metagonimus sp. in males (16.7 percent and 10.0 percent) were significantly higher than those of females (3.5 percent and 1.8 percent). However, there were no significant differences of EPG values between localities and sexes. The prevalence of clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis in this survey was significantly lower than that in the previous reports. However, there is still a high prevalence of infection with C. sinensis and Metagonimus sp. in this region, especially in the riverside area.
机译:考察了韩国Okcheon郡(县)锦江(河)沿岸的支气管扩张和甲吸虫病的流行状况。从2000年2月至2000年12月,检查了居住在5个村庄的总共1.081名居民的粪便。通过玻璃纸浓涂法和福尔马林-醚沉降技术对每个粪便标本进行检查。用Stoll的卵数计数技术进一步分析鸡蛋阳性的病例,阳性病例使用praxiquantel。华支睾吸虫和后生角鲨的卵阳性率分别为9.3%和5.5%。分别是双重感染率和3.5%。克氏梭菌和Metagonimus sp。的每克(EPG)卵的数量。是918 +-1.463和711 + -947。分别。 C. siensis和Metagonimus sp。的卵阳性率。在河边地区分别为14.2%和8.4%。分别显着高于内陆地区(分别为3.2%和1.7%)。 C. sinensis和Metagonimus sp。的卵阳性率。男性(分别为16.7%和10.0%)显着高于女性(分别为3.5%和1.8%)。但是,地区和性别之间的EPG值没有显着差异。本次调查中的支气管扩张和甲吸虫病的患病率明显低于以前的报告。然而,中华绒螯蟹和Metagonimus sp。的感染仍然很高。在这个地区,特别是在河边地区。



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