首页> 外文期刊>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Current Status of Taeniasis and Cysticercosis in Vietnam

Current Status of Taeniasis and Cysticercosis in Vietnam


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Several reports on taeniasis and cysticercosis in Vietnam show that they are distributed in over 50 of 63 provinces. In some endemic areas, the prevalence of taeniasis was 0.2-12.0% and that of cysticercosis was 1.0-7.2%. The major symptoms of taeniasis included fidgeted anus, proglottids moving out of the anus, and proglottids in the feces. Clinical manifestations of cysticercosis in humans included subcutaneous nodules, epileptic seizures, severe headach, impaired vision, and memory loss. The species identification of Taenia in Vietnam included Taenia asiatica, Taenia saginata, and Taenia solium based on combined morphology and molecular methods. Only T solium caused cysticercosis in humans. Praziquantel was chosen for treatment of taeniasis and albendazole for treatment of cysticercosis. The infection rate of cysticercus cellulosae in pigs was 0.04% at Hanoi slaughterhouses, 0.03-0.31% at provincial slaughterhouses in the north, and 0.9% in provincial slaughterhouses in the southern region of Vietnam. The infection rate of cysticercus bovis in cattle was 0.03-2.17% at Hanoi slaughterhouses. Risk factors investigated with regard to transmission of Taenia suggested that consumption of raw meat (eating raw meat 4.5-74.3%), inadequate or absent meat inspection and control, poor sanitation in some endemic areas, and use of untreated human waste as a fertilizer for crops may play important roles in Vietnam, although this remains to be validated.
机译:越南有关虫病和囊虫病的几份报告表明,它们分布在63个省中的50多个省。在一些流行地区,虫病的患病率为0.2-12.0%,囊尾rc病的患病率为1.0-7.2%。虫病的主要症状包括烦躁的肛门,肛门外的前列腺突和粪便中的前列腺突。人体囊尾rc病的临床表现包括皮下结节,癫痫发作,严重头痛,视力障碍和记忆力减退。基于形态学和分子方法相结合的越南Ta虫的物种鉴定包括亚洲Ta虫,sa虫和Ta虫。只有T lium能在人体内引起囊虫病。选择吡喹酮治疗虫病和阿苯达唑治疗囊虫病。在越南河内屠宰场,猪中囊尾cell的感染率为0.04%,在北部的省级屠宰场中为0.03-0.31%,在越南南部地区的省级屠宰场中为0.9%。在河内屠宰场,牛的牛半胱氨酸杆菌感染率为0.03-2.17%。有关Ta虫传播的风险因素表明,食用生肉(吃生肉占4.5-74.3%),肉类检测和控制不充分或缺乏,某些流行地区的卫生状况差以及未经处理的人类废物用作肥料在越南,农作物可能起着重要作用,尽管这仍有待验证。



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