首页> 外文期刊>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >A Pulmonary Paragonimiasis Case Mimicking Metastatic Pulmonary Tumor

A Pulmonary Paragonimiasis Case Mimicking Metastatic Pulmonary Tumor


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Pulmonary paragonimiasis is a relatively rare cause of lung disease revealing a wide variety of radiologic findings, such as air-space consolidation, nodules, and cysts. We describe here a case of pulmonary paragonimiasis in a 27-year-old woman who presented with a 2-month history of cough and sputum. Based on chest computed tomography (CT) scans and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) findings, the patient was suspected to have a metastatic lung tumor. However, she was diagnosed as having Paragonimus westermani infection by an immunoserological examination using ELISA. Follow-up chest X-ray and CT scans after chemotherapy with praziquantel showed an obvious improvement. There have been several reported cases of pulmonary paragonimiasis mimicking lung tumors on FDG-PET However, all of them were suspected as primary lung tumors. To our knowledge, this patient represents the first case of paragonimiasis mimicking metastatic lung disease on FDG-PET CT imaging.
机译:肺肺吸虫病是一种相对罕见的肺部疾病,其表现出广泛的放射学发现,例如空位巩固,结节和囊肿。在这里,我们描述了一名27岁的女性出现肺肺吸虫病的案例,该女性患者出现咳嗽和痰2个月。根据胸部计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描和氟脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射断层扫描(FDG-PET)的发现,该患者被怀疑患有转移性肺肿瘤。但是,通过使用ELISA进行的免疫血清学检查,她被诊断出患有西番term病毒。吡喹酮化疗后的胸部X线和CT扫描显示明显改善。在FDG-PET上有几例肺部肺吸虫病模仿肺部肿瘤的报道,但是,所有这些病例均被怀疑是原发性肺部肿瘤。据我们所知,该患者是FDG-PET CT成像中首例模仿肺转移性肺疾病的肺吸虫病。



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