首页> 外文期刊>The journal of sexual medicine >Multiple pelvic floor complaints are correlated with sexual abuse history.

Multiple pelvic floor complaints are correlated with sexual abuse history.


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INTRODUCTION: The relationship between sexual abuse and urinary tract symptoms, sexual abuse and gastrointestinal symptoms, or sexual abuse and sexual dysfunction has been described before. A correlation between all these symptoms and sexual abuse has not yet been reported. AIMS: The first aim of this study was to document the prevalence rates of reported sexual abuse in a large sample of female patients with complaints of the pelvic floor. The second aim was to evaluate the frequency of complaints in the different domains of the pelvic floor, such as complaints of micturition, defecation, and sexual function, in female patients reporting sexual abuse, and comparing these data with female patients without a history of sexual abuse. METHODS: Female patients with pelvic floor complaints were evaluated in a tertiary referral center. History taking was assessed by a pelvic-floor clinician. The number of domains with complaints of patients with a history of sexual abuse was compared with the number of domains with complaints of patients without sexual abuse. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The number of patients who reported sexual abuse and the frequency of complaints in the different domains of the pelvic floor. The number of domains of patients with a history of sexual abuse was compared with patients without a history of sexual abuse. RESULTS: Twenty-three percent (42/185) of the patients reported a history of sexual abuse. The female patients with a history of sexual abuse had significantly more complaints in three domains of the pelvic floor (35/42) compared with the nonabused (69/143) (83% vs. 48%, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Twenty-three percent of the female patients in a pelvic floor center evaluated by a pelvic-floor clinician reported a history of sexual abuse. This is comparable with the percentage of sexual abuse observed in the population at large. In our sample, the patients with multiple pelvic floor complaints (micturition, defecation, and sexual function) related to pelvic floor dysfunction were more likely to have a history of sexual abuse than the patients with isolated complaints.
机译:简介:性虐待和泌尿道症状,性虐待和胃肠道症状之间的关系,或性虐待和性功能障碍之间的关系已有描述。所有这些症状与性虐待之间的相关性尚未见报道。目的:本研究的首要目的是记录大量女性骨盆底病变患者中报告的性虐待发生率。第二个目的是评估在报告有性虐待的女性患者中,骨盆底不同区域的投诉频率,例如排尿,排便和性功能的投诉,并将这些数据与没有性行为史的女性患者进行比较。滥用。方法:在三级转诊中心对女性患有骨盆底不适的患者进行评估。历史记录由骨盆底临床医生评估。将有性虐待史的患者投诉领域的数量与无性虐待患者的投诉领域数量进行比较。主要观察指标:报告有性虐待的患者数量以及盆底不同区域的投诉频率。将有性虐待史的患者的领域数与无性虐待史的患者的领域数进行比较。结果:23%(42/185)的患者报告有性虐待史。有性虐待史的女性患者在骨盆底的三个区域(35/42)的投诉明显多于未滥用者(69/143)(83%对48%,P <0.001)。结论:由骨盆底临床医生评估的骨盆底中心的女性患者中有23%报告了性虐待史。这与在整个人口中观察到的性虐待百分比相当。在我们的样本中,与骨盆底功能障碍相关的多个骨盆底症状(排尿,排便和性功能)的患者比单独症状的患者更容易遭受性虐待。



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