首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of school health >Symptoms of nicotine dependence and other predictors of student smoking at school: implications for school smoking policy.

Symptoms of nicotine dependence and other predictors of student smoking at school: implications for school smoking policy.


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Students who violate school smoking policies present a difficult health and disciplinary issue for school officials. Professionals know little about the characteristics of students who smoke at school. In a prospective study of 679 students in two cities in central Massachusetts, researchers examined how nicotine dependence contributes to the problem of smoking at school. After three years of follow up, smoking at school was reported by 10.3% of students. Among subjects who admitted to smoking at school, 63% reported that symptoms of nicotine dependence preceded their smoking at school. After adjusting for other variables, student smokers with symptoms of nicotine dependence were nine times more likely to report smoking in school (OR 9.1, 95% CI 2.9-28.5) than were student smokers without symptoms. Smoking at school was more common among daily smokers and those who paid for their own cigarettes. Age, gender, race, and parental smoking status were not significantly associated with students' reports of smoking at school. These data suggest nicotine dependence as an important contributor to the problem of smoking at school, but not the only reason why students violate school smoking policies. Disciplinary action against students caught violating school smoking policies should be supplemented with an offer of treatment for nicotine dependence.
机译:违反学校吸烟政策的学生会给学校官员带来健康和纪律问题。专业人士对在学校吸烟的学生的特征了解甚少。在对马萨诸塞州中部两个城市的679名学生进行的一项前瞻性研究中,研究人员研究了尼古丁依赖性如何导致学校吸烟的问题。经过三年的随访,据报告有10.3%的学生在学校吸烟。在学校接受吸烟的受试者中,有63%报告称尼古丁依赖的症状先于他们在学校吸烟。调整其他变量后,有尼古丁依赖症状的学生吸烟者在学校报告吸烟的可能性是无症状学生吸烟者的九倍(OR 9.1,95%CI 2.9-28.5)。在学校吸烟在日常吸烟者和自费香烟的吸烟者中更为普遍。年龄,性别,种族和父母吸烟状况与学生在学校的吸烟报告没有显着相关。这些数据表明,尼古丁依赖性是导致学校吸烟问题的重要因素,但并非学生违反学校吸烟政策的唯一原因。对于违反学校吸烟政策的学生,应采取纪律处分,并辅之以治疗尼古丁的治疗方案。



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