首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >1-Stage feminizing genitoplasty: 8 years of experience with 49 cases.

1-Stage feminizing genitoplasty: 8 years of experience with 49 cases.


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PURPOSE: We retrospectively evaluated the results of a modified technique for 1-stage feminizing genitoplasty in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and other rare intersex conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1991 and 1998, 47 infants and 2 adolescents underwent 1-stage feminizing genitoplasty at our hospital. Of the patients 44 had CAH, 2 had the partial androgen insensitivity syndrome and 3 were true hermaphrodites. In 3 patients we used the Passerini-Glazel technique, while in 46 our technique of feminizing genitoplasty was used, which consists of maximal mobilization of the urogenital sinus en bloc including the vagina and urethra via the perineal approach. Two lateral plates built from dorsal split phallic and preputial skin together with the dorsal split urogenital sinus are used to construct the vaginal introitus and labia minora, and the scrotal folds are used to construct the labia majora. Reduction clitoroplasty is done according to the technique of Kogan et al. Mean age plus or minus standard deviation was 0.9 +/- 0.3 years of the patients with CAH and 13 +/- 2.3 of the remainder. Preoperative information, including status of the internal genitalia, anatomical length of the vagina site of communication between the vagina and urogenital sinus, in relation to the pelvic floor, was obtained by transabdominal pelvic ultrasound. RESULTS: Operating time ranged between 120 and 180 minutes, average hospitalization period was 4 to 5 days and mean followup was 4.7 +/- 2.6 years. Preoperative ultrasound provided the correct data regarding the vaginal and internal genitalia anatomy in all cases, and the exact communication site between the vagina and urogenital sinus was demonstrated in 93%. Complications consisted of intraoperative rectal injury in 1 case and mild wound infection of the buttocks area in 3. In 1 case total clitoris loss was observed. All patients who underwent modified genitoplasty have had successful cosmetic and early functional results. Two patients presented with repeat clitoromegalia due to inadequate adrenal suppression. CONCLUSIONS: Our adapted technique of 1-stage feminizing genitoplasty provides good cosmetic and functional results. The functional results of this operation should be reevaluated after puberty and in adulthood.
机译:目的:我们回顾性地评估了先天性肾上腺皮质增生(CAH)和其他罕见的性交状态儿童的1期女性化生殖道成形术的改良技术的结果。材料与方法:1991年至1998年间,我院对47例婴儿和2例青少年进行了女性阶段性女性生殖器官成形术。患者中有44位患有CAH,2位患有部分雄激素不敏感综合征,而3位是真正的雌雄同体。在3例患者中,我们采用了Passerini-Glazel技术,而在46例中,我们采用了女性化生殖器成形术,该技术包括通过会阴入路最大程度地动员包括阴道和尿道在内的泌尿生殖道整块人。由阴茎和前皮分开的两块侧板,与泌尿生殖道背裂一起,用于构建阴道口和小阴唇,阴囊褶皱用于构建大阴唇。还原性阴囊成形术是根据Kogan等人的技术完成的。 CAH患者的平均年龄正负标准偏差为0.9 +/- 0.3岁,其余为13 +/- 2.3。术前信息包括腹内生殖器的状态,阴道和泌尿生殖窦之间的阴道通讯部位的解剖长度(与盆底有关),是通过腹腔盆腔超声获得的。结果:手术时间在120至180分钟之间,平均住院时间为4至5天,平均随访时间为4.7 +/- 2.6年。术前超声检查可在所有情况下提供有关阴道和内生殖器解剖结构的正确数据,在阴道和泌尿生殖窦之间的确切交流部位已证明为93%。并发症包括术中直肠损伤1例和臀部轻度伤口感染3例。在1例中,观察到总的阴蒂丢失。所有接受改良的基因成形术的患者均具有成功的美容和早期功能结果。两名患者由于肾上腺抑制作用不足而出现反复的阴蒂大肌炎。结论:我们采用的1期女性化生殖器成形术的适应性技术可提供良好的美容和功能效果。青春期后和成年后应重新评估该手术的功能结果。



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