首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Preservation of lower urinary tract function in posterior urethral stenosis: selection of appropriate patients for urethral stents.

Preservation of lower urinary tract function in posterior urethral stenosis: selection of appropriate patients for urethral stents.


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PURPOSE: We describe our experience with urethral stents to manage iatrogenic posterior urethral stenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We surveyed our retrospective database for patients in whom we placed a urethral stent for posterior urethral stricture disease. We reviewed patient age, comorbidities, indications for stent placement, stricture length, postoperative complications and the repeat stenosis rate. RESULTS: Overall we placed urethral stents in 13 patients, of whom 12 presented with posterior urethral stenosis and 1 presented with anterior and posterior stricture. The etiology of urethral stricture was prostate cancer therapy in 11 of 13 cases and simple prostatectomy in 2. Urethral stenting was chosen instead of urethral reconstruction largely due to prior radiation for prostate cancer and avoidance of the morbidity of surgery. Overall 6 of 13 patients required additional procedures for stricture recurrence, including 5 in previously irradiated patients. Two patients had stents removed due to migration or pain. Genitourinary infections developed in 5 of 13 patients. Eight of 13 patients with a posterior urethral stricture were incontinent, as expected after stent placement. Incontinence was managed by an artificial urinary sphincter in willing patients with 9 of 13 continent. CONCLUSIONS: Urethral stents provide reasonable treatment for patients with posterior urethral stenosis when attempting to preserve lower urinary tract function caused by stricture disease after prostate cancer therapy. Prior radiation seems to increase the failure rate. Continence can be maintained after posterior urethral stenting in select patients.
机译:目的:我们描述了我们在尿道支架治疗医源性后尿道狭窄方面的经验。材料和方法:我们调查了回顾性数据库,以了解为放置后尿道狭窄疾病而放置尿道支架的患者。我们回顾了患者的年龄,合并症,支架放置的适应症,狭窄长度,术后并发症和重复狭窄率。结果:总体上,我们在13例患者中放置了尿道支架,其中12例出现后尿道狭窄,1例出现了前,后狭窄。尿道狭窄的病因是13例中的11例是前列腺癌治疗,而2例中的是简单前列腺切除术。选择尿道支架而不是进行尿道再造,主要是因为先前对前列腺癌的放疗和避免了手术的并发症。总共13例患者中有6例需要再次手术以进行狭窄复发,其中5例先前接受过放射治疗的患者。两名患者因迁移或疼痛而移除了支架。 13位患者中有5位发生了泌尿生殖道感染。如预期的那样,在置入支架后,尿道后狭窄的13例患者中有8例失禁。尿失禁是通过人工尿道括约肌治疗的,意愿患者为13大洲中的9个。结论:尿道内支架为前列腺癌治疗后试图保留狭窄疾病引起的下尿路功能时,为后尿道狭窄患者提供合理的治疗。先前的辐射似乎会增加故障率。在某些患者中,后尿道支架置入后可以保持尿液的排尿。



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