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The common ileal ureter: a new technique for compliant ureterocystoplasty.


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PURPOSE: Ureterocystoplasty is an effective technique for bladder reconstruction in patients with megaureter. Initial reports were encouraging but later repeat augmentation with bowel was necessary in many patients. We evaluated whether repeat augmentation after ureterocystoplasty could be avoided using two-thirds of each megaureter. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ureterocystoplasty was performed in 6 patients using the distal two-thirds of the 2 ureters. Continuity was reestablished by anastomosis of the remaining proximal ureters to a tubularized and tapered piece of ileum, which was reimplanted in an antireflux manner into the reconstructed bladder. All patients underwent preoperative and postoperative evaluation with ultrasound, creatinine, voiding cystourethrogram, nuclear renal scan and videourodynamic testing. RESULTS: Patient age at ureterocystoplasty was between 7 and 15 years with a median followup of 45.3 months. Preoperative videourodynamics demonstrated low capacity bladders with grade 5 vesicoureteral reflux and a poor mean bladder compliance of 7.4 ml/cm H2O. Bladder capacity increased up to 12-fold postoperatively with a mean compliance rate of 58 ml/cm H2O and vesicoureteral reflux resolved in all patients. One patient required endoscopic incision of the reimplanted common ileal ureter but no other complications occurred. CONCLUSIONS: The common ileal ureter provided a long-term compliant reservoir without the need for future repeat augmentation in all patients. Using standard urological techniques the complication rates remained low and recovery time was similar to that of standard ureterocystoplasty.
机译:目的:膀胱膀胱成形术是一种用于大输尿管患者膀胱重建的有效技术。最初的报告令人鼓舞,但随后在许多患者中有必要再次行肠增强手术。我们评估了使用每个大型输尿管的三分之二是否可以避免输尿管膀胱成形术后的重复增大。材料与方法:6例患者使用2个输尿管的远端三分之二进行了膀胱膀胱成形术。通过将剩余的近端输尿管吻合到管状和锥形回肠段来恢复连续性,然后以抗反流的方式将其重新植入重建的膀胱中。所有患者在术前和术后均接受超声,肌酐,膀胱尿道造影检查,肾肾扫描和视频尿动力学检查。结果:输尿管膀胱成形术的患者年龄在7至15岁之间,中位随访时间为45.3个月。术前视频尿动力学检查显示膀胱容量低,伴有5级膀胱输尿管反流,平均膀胱顺应性差,为7.4 ml / cm H2O。术后膀胱容量增加至12倍,平均顺应率为58 ml / cm H2O,膀胱输尿管反流得到解决。一名患者需要内窥镜切开再植入的回肠输尿管,但未发生其他并发症。结论:常见的回肠输尿管提供了长期顺应性的储库,而无需将来在所有患者中进行重复增强。使用标准泌尿外科技术,并发症发生率仍然较低,恢复时间与标准输尿管膀胱成形术相似。



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