首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Meshed unexpanded split-thickness skin grafting for reconstruction of penile skin loss.

Meshed unexpanded split-thickness skin grafting for reconstruction of penile skin loss.


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PURPOSE: Sheets of unmeshed, split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs) have been advocated in potent men with penile skin deficiency. Since the survival of sheet grafts is rarely 100% and the appearance of unexpanded 1:1 mesh grafts is quite good, we used this technique. We report our experience with meshed, unexpanded STSGs for all penile resurfacing regardless of erectile function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine consecutive patients with penile skin loss were prospectively treated between March 2001 and January 2003 with meshed STSGs to the penis. The underlying condition was Fournier's gangrene in 4 cases, chronic lymphedema in 2, skin deficiency from prior surgeries in 2 and Crohn's disease in 1. Graft thickness was 0.012 or 0.016 inches and meshing was performed in a 1:1 ratio. Meshed slits were oriented transversely without expansion and the graft juncture was located on the ventral surface in zigzag fashion. Graft take, appearance, and sexual and voiding function were assessed postoperatively. RESULTS: All 9 patients had 100% graft take. At a mean followup of 6 months a satisfactory cosmetic outcome was documented photographically in all except 1 case involving chronic penile manipulation. Erectile function and ejaculation were preserved in potent patients. CONCLUSIONS: Unexpanded meshed STSGs of penile skin loss yielded satisfactory functional and cosmetic outcomes.



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