首页> 外文期刊>The journal of trauma and acute care surgery >Lean methodology for performance improvement in the trauma discharge process

Lean methodology for performance improvement in the trauma discharge process


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Background: High-volume, complex services such as trauma and acute care surgery are at risk for inefficiency. Lean process improvement can reduce health care waste. Lean allows a structured look at processes not easily amenable to analysis. We applied lean methodology to the current state of communication and discharge planning on an urban trauma service, citing areas for improvement. Methods: A lean process mapping event was held. The process map was used to identify areas for immediate analysis and intervention - defining metrics for the stakeholders. After intervention, new performance was assessed by direct data evaluation. The process was completed with an analysis of effect and plans made for addressing future focus areas. Results: The primary area of concern identified was interservice communication. Changes centering on a standardized morning report structure reduced the number of consult questions unanswered from 67% to 34% (p = 0.0021). Physical therapy rework was reduced from 35% to 19% (p = 0.016). Patients admitted to units not designated to the trauma service had 1.6 times longer stays (p < 0.0001). The lean process lasted 8 months, and three areas for new improvement were identified: (1) the off-unit patients; (2) patients with length of stay more than 15 days contribute disproportionately to length of stay; and (3) miscommunication exists around patient education at discharge. Conclusion: Lean process improvement is a viable means of health care analysis. When applied to a trauma service with 4,000 admissions annually, lean identifies areas ripe for improvement. Our inefficiencies surrounded communication and patient localization. Strategies arising from the input of all stakeholders led to real solutions for communication through a face-to-face morning report and identified areas for ongoing improvement. This focuses resource use and identifies areas for improvement of throughput in care delivery.
机译:背景:大批量,复杂的服务(例如创伤和急诊手术)存在效率低下的风险。改善精益流程可以减少医疗保健浪费。精益允许对不容易进行分析的流程进行结构化的研究。我们将精益方法应用于城市创伤服务的当前沟通和出院计划状态,并指出需要改进的地方。方法:举行了精益过程映射事件。流程图用于确定需要立即分析和干预的区域-为利益相关者定义指标。干预后,通过直接数据评估来评估新的绩效。通过对效果的分析和针对未来重点领域的计划完成了该过程。结果:确定的主要关注领域是服务间通信。以标准化的晨报结构为中心的更改将未回答的咨询问题的数量从67%减少到了34%(p = 0.0021)。物理疗法的返工率从35%降低到19%(p = 0.016)。入住未指定接受创伤治疗的病房的患者住院时间长1.6倍(p <0.0001)。瘦肉过程持续了8个月,并确定了三个需要改进的地方:(1)脱机患者; (2)住院时间超过15天的患者对住院时间的贡献不成比例; (3)出院时在患者教育方面存在沟通不畅的情况。结论:改善精益生产过程是进行卫生保健分析的可行方法。当应用于每年有4,000次入院的创伤服务时,精益确定了需要改进的领域。我们的低效率围绕着沟通和患者本地化。在所有利益相关者的投入下产生的战略为通过面对面的早晨报告和确定需要持续改进的领域提供了真正的沟通解决方案。这将重点放在资源使用上,并确定可提高护理交付量的领域。



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