首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, A. Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory >Analysis of the Transmission Mechanism of NMR Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Using Fermi Contact Spin Density Distribution, Partial Spin Polarization, and Orbital Currents: XH_n Molecules

Analysis of the Transmission Mechanism of NMR Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Using Fermi Contact Spin Density Distribution, Partial Spin Polarization, and Orbital Currents: XH_n Molecules


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Trends in calculated and measured one-bond reduced spin-spin coupling constants (SSCSs) ~1K(XH) for twelve XH_n hydrides (X = C, Si, Ge, N, P, As, O, S, Se, F, Cl, Br) are explained using orbital contributions obtained with the J-OC-PSP (decomposition of J into Orbital Contributions using the Orbital Currents and partial Spin Polarization) approach. The sign and magnitudes of the orbital contributions can be rationalized with the help of the Fermi contact spin density distribution, the s-density of an orbital at the nucleus, the electronegativity, and the polarizability of the central atom X. Partitioning of Fermi contact, the paramagnetic spin-orbit, the diamagnetic spin-orbit, and the spin dipole terms as well as the total SSCC ~nK into one-orbital contributions ~nK~k and orbital interaction contributions ~nK~(k,l) (n, type of SSCC; k and l, indices of occupied orbitals) reveals that each of the four Ramsey terms adds to the spin-spin coupling mechanism; however, many of the orbital contributions cancel each other so that, for example, DSO and SD terms make only negligible contributions to ~1K(XH). The two types of orbital contributions are associated with two different transmission mechanisms via the exchange antisymmetry property of the wave function. ~nK~k is the result of an orbital relaxation mechanism whereas ~nK~(k,l) is closely related to the concept of stearic exchange antisymmetry. Trends in measured ~K(XH) SSCCs can be explained by an interplay of bond and lone pair contributions. Sign and magnitude of ~1K(XH) are rationalized by utilizing the nodal behavior of zeroth- and first-order orbitals. Results are converted into simple Dirac models.
机译:对于十二种XH_n氢化物(X = C,Si,Ge,N,P,As,O,S,Se,F,Cl ,Br)是使用通过J-OC-PSP获得的轨道贡献(使用轨道电流和部分自旋极化将J分解为轨道贡献)进行解释的。可以借助费米接触自旋密度分布,原子核处轨道的s密度,电负性和中心原子X的极化率来合理化轨道贡献的符号和大小。顺磁性自旋轨道,反磁性自旋轨道和自旋偶极子项以及总SSCC〜nK变成一个轨道贡献〜nK〜k和轨道相互作用贡献〜nK〜(k,l)(n,类型SSCC; k和l,占据轨道的索引)表明,四个Ramsey项中的每一项都增加了自旋-自旋耦合机制;但是,许多轨道的贡献相互抵消,因此,例如,DSO和SD项对〜1K(XH)的贡献微不足道。两种类型的轨道贡献通过波函数的交换反对称特性与两种不同的传输机制相关联。 〜nK〜k是轨道弛豫机制的结果,而〜nK〜(k,l)与硬脂交换反对称性概念密切相关。测得的〜K(XH)SSCC的趋势可以通过键和孤对贡献的相互作用来解释。通过利用零阶和一阶轨道的节点行为可以合理化〜1K(XH)的符号和大小。将结果转换为简单的Dirac模型。



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