首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics: Official Publication of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics >Tonic Nociceptinergic Inputs to Neurons in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Contribute to Sympathetic Vasomotor Tone and Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis in Conscious Rats

Tonic Nociceptinergic Inputs to Neurons in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Contribute to Sympathetic Vasomotor Tone and Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis in Conscious Rats


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Central administration of nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) produces bradycardia,hypotension,diuresis,and antinatriuresis in rats.Because N/OFQ peptide (NOP) receptors exist in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus,we hypothesized that N/OFQ acts in the PVN to alter cardiovascular and renal function.To test this premise,N/OFQ (10 and 100 pmol) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (vehicle) was microinjected into the right PVN of conscious,chronically instrumented rats infused i.v.with isotonic saline.After injection,N/OFQ,but not vehicle,dose-dependently decreased renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and increased urine flow rate.At 100 pmol,N/OFQ also decreased urinary sodium and potassium excretion and increased free water clearance.In separate groups,the diuretic response to N/OFQ injection into the PVN was blunted in chronic bilaterally renal denervated rats and abolished in intact rats continuously infused i.v.with [Arg~8]vasopressin (60 fmol/kg/min).Finally,in other studies bilateral microinjection of the NOP receptor antagonist [Nphe~1,Arg~(14),Lys~(15)]N/OFQ-NH_2 (UFP-101; 300 pmol) into the PVN increased heart rate and RSNA and decreased urine flow rate without altering electrolyte excretion.Pretreatment of separate rats with UFP-101 (300 pmol,PVN) blocked the N/OFQ-evoked (100 pmol) cardiovascular,renal sympathetic nerve,and renal excretory responses.Together,these findings demonstrate that in conscious rats activation of NOP receptors in the PVN by N/OFQ produces bradycardia,renal sympathoinhibition,and water diuresis.Moreover,UFP-101 blocks a tonically active inhibitory influence of endogenous N/OFQ on central sympathetic outflow and vasopressin pathways which arise from the PVN to affect heart rate and urine output.
机译:中央施用诺西汀/孤儿菊素FQ(N / OFQ)会在大鼠中产生心动过缓,低血压,利尿和排尿利尿。由于N / OFQ肽(NOP)受体存在于下丘脑室旁核(PVN)中,我们假设N / OFQ OFQ在PVN中起作用,以改变心血管和肾脏功能。为验证这一前提,将N ​​/ OFQ(10和100 pmol)或人工脑脊液(载体)显微注射到有意识的,按时间顺序使用等渗盐水静脉注射的大鼠右PVN中注射后,N / OFQ(而非媒介物)剂量依赖性地降低肾交感神经活性(RSNA)并增加尿流速。在100 pmol时,N / OFQ还减少尿钠和钾排泄并增加游离水清除率。在单独的组中,在慢性双侧肾脏去神经支配的大鼠中,N / OFQ注入PVN的利尿反应减弱,而在连续注入[Arg〜8]加压素(60 fmol / kg / min)的完整大鼠中,利尿反应消失。研究了NOP受体拮抗剂[Nphe〜1,Arg〜(14),Lys〜(15)] N / OFQ-NH_2(UFP-101; 300 pmol)进入PVN会增加心率和RSNA并降低尿流率,而不会改变电解质的排泄。用UFP-101(300 pmol,PVN)预处理单独的大鼠会阻止N / OFQ诱发的(100 pmol)心血管,肾脏交感这些发现共同表明,在有意识的大鼠中,N / OFQ激活PVN中的NOP受体会产生心动过缓,肾脏交感神经抑制和水利尿。此外,UFP-101阻断了内源性的声调活性抑制作用。 N / OFQ与中枢交感性流出和加压素途径有关,后者由PVN产生,影响心率和尿量。



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