首页> 外文期刊>The annals of pharmacotherapy >Identification of Risk Factors for Bisphosphonate-Associated Atypical Femoral Fractures and Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in a Pharmacovigilance Database

Identification of Risk Factors for Bisphosphonate-Associated Atypical Femoral Fractures and Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in a Pharmacovigilance Database


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BACKGROUND: Atypical femoral fractures (AFs) and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) are well-known adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with bisphosphonates. To prevent these ADRs and to aid in the search for pathogenic mechanisms, knowledge of risk factors can be helpful. Objective: To identify risk factors for bisphosphonate-related ONJ and AF. Methods: In this case-control study of reports of bisphosphonate-related ADRs from February 16, 1984, to October 16, 2013, in the Swedish national database of ADRs, we compared characteristics for cases of ONJ (n = 167) and AF (n = 55) with all other bisphosphonate-related ADRs (n = 565) with regard to demographic variables, clinical characteristics, and concomitant drug treatments. We adjusted for multiple comparisons with Bonferroni correction. Results: Time to onset of ADRs differed statistically significantly between cases of AF and controls (2156 vs 111 days). For ONJ versus controls, differences were statistically significant for time to onset (1240 vs 111 days), intravenous administration (40% vs 20%), dental procedures (49% vs 0.2%) and prostheses (5% vs 0%), cancer disease (44% vs 12%), multiple myeloma (21% vs 1%), rheumatoid arthritis (14% vs 5%), and treatment with antineoplastic agents and oxycodone. Conclusion: These results lend further evidence to previously identified risk factors for ONJthat is, intravenous bisphosphonate administration; invasive dental procedures and dental prostheses; cancer disease, in particular multiple myeloma; and possibly, long-term bisphosphonate treatment. A putative further risk factor is rheumatoid arthritis. Only long-term bisphosphonate treatment was more common among AF cases. The lack of overlap of risk factors between ONJ and AF suggests different pathogenic mechanisms.
机译:背景:非典型股骨骨折(AFs)和颌骨坏死(ONJ)是与双膦酸盐有关的众所周知的药物不良反应(ADR)。为了预防这些ADR并帮助寻找致病机制,了解危险因素可能会有所帮助。目的:确定与双膦酸酯有关的ONJ和AF的危险因素。方法:在这项病例对照研究中,从1984年2月16日至2013年10月16日,在瑞典国家ADR数据库中研究了与双膦酸盐有关的ADR,我们比较了ONJ(n = 167)和AF(在人口统计学变量,临床特征和伴随药物治疗方面,n = 55)以及所有其他与双磷酸盐相关的ADR(n = 565)。我们使用Bonferroni校正对多个比较进行了调整。结果:AF患者和对照组之间ADR发生时间有统计学差异(2156 vs 111天)。对于ONJ与对照组,发病时间(1240 vs 111天),静脉内给药(40%vs 20%),牙科手术(49%vs 0.2%)和假体(5%vs 0%),癌症的差异具有统计学意义疾病(44%比12%),多发性骨髓瘤(21%比1%),类风湿关节炎(14%比5%)以及抗肿瘤药和羟考酮的治疗。结论:这些结果为先前确定的ONJ危险因素提供了进一步的证据,即静脉注射双膦酸盐。侵入性牙科程序和假牙;癌症疾病,特别是多发性骨髓瘤;以及可能的长期双膦酸盐治疗。另一个可能的危险因素是类风湿关节炎。在AF病例中,仅长期双膦酸盐治疗更为常见。 ONJ和AF之间的危险因素没有重叠,提示存在不同的致病机制。



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