首页> 外文期刊>The Italian Journal of Zoology >Macrorhynchia species (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Bunaken Marine Park (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) with a description of two new species

Macrorhynchia species (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Bunaken Marine Park (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) with a description of two new species


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Five species of Macrorhynchia from the Bunaken National Marine Park (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) are described. Three species, M. philippina, M. spectabilis and M. phoenicea were already known for the Indo-Pacific area, M. asymmetrica and M. fulva aredescribed as new species. Macrorhynchia asymmetrica n. sp. is easily distinguished from the other species of the genus due to the hypertrophic lateral nematotheca that is bent downwards. Macrorhynchia fulva n. sp. is distinguishable from its congeners especially through the lateral nematothecae pointing in opposite directions, the large marginal tooth, and the presence of the well-marked adcauline teeth. The shape and the colour of living colonies are described, thereby allowing the recognition of the species directly in situ. Generally, the observed specils live on the deeper portions of the reef, but M. spectabilis occurs at more shallow depths. Almost all the recorded specie! have an annual cycle characterised by higher abundances during the wet season while they are absent or rare during the dry period. Only M. asymmetrica has the opposite pattern, being more abundant during the dry months.
机译:描述了来自布纳肯国家海洋公园(印度尼西亚北苏拉威西省)的五种Macrorhynchia。印支太平洋地区已经知道了菲律宾分枝杆菌,壮观分枝杆菌和凤凰分枝杆菌三个物种,不对称分枝杆菌和富叶分枝杆菌被称为新物种。不对称大紫杉。 sp。肥大的外侧线虫向下弯曲,因此很容易与其他属区分开。大叶楠sp。尤其是通过侧向线虫科指向相反的方向,较大的边缘牙齿以及标记清晰的adcauline牙齿,可将其与同类动物区分开。描述了活菌落的形状和颜色,从而可以直接在原位识别物种。通常,观察到的甲虫生活在珊瑚礁的更深部分,但壮观的M. spectabilis发生在更浅的深度。几乎所有记录的物种!每年都有一个周期,其特征是在雨季丰度较高,而在干旱时期则很少或很少。只有不对称分支杆菌具有相反的模式,在干旱月份更为丰富。



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