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Major and trace element provenance signatures in stream sediments from the Kando River, San'in district, southwest Japan


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Basement rocks in the catchment of the Kando River in southwest Japan can be divided into two main groups. Paleogene to Cretaceous felsic granitoids and volcanic rocks dominate in the upstream section, and more mafic, mostly Miocene volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks occur in the downstream reaches. Geochemically distinctive Mount Sambe adakitic volcanic products also crop out in the west. X-ray fluorescence analyses of major elements and 14 trace elements were made of two size fractions (< 180 and 180-2000 mu m) from 86 stream sediments collected within the catchment, to examine contrasts in composition between the fractions as a result of sorting and varying source lithotype. The < 180 mu m fractions are depleted in SiO2 and enriched in most other major and trace elements relative to the 180-2000 mu m fractions. Na2O, K2O, Ba, Rb and Sr are either depleted relative to the 180-2000 mu m fractions, or show little contrast in abundance. Sediments from granitoid-dominated catchments are distinguished by greater K2O, Th, Rb, Ba and Nb than those derived from the Miocene volcanic rocks. Granitoid-derived < 180 mu m fractions are also enriched in Zr, Ce and Y. Sediments derived from the Miocene volcanic rocks generally contain greater TiO2, Fe2O3*, Sc, V, MgO and P2O5, reflecting their more mafic source. Sediments containing Sambe volcanic rocks in their source are marked by higher Sr, CaO, Na2O and lower Y, reflecting an adakitic signature that persists into the lower main channel, where compositions become less variable as the bedload is homogenized. Normalization against source averages shows that compositions of the 180-2000 mu m fractions are less fractionated from their parents than are the < 180 mu m fractions, which are enriched for some elements. Contrast between the size fractions is greatest for the granitoid-derived sediments. Weathering indices of the sediments are relatively low, indicating source weathering is moderate, and typical of temperate climates. Some zircon concentration has occurred in granitoid-derived < 180 mu m fractions relative to 180-2000 mu m counterparts, but Th/Sc and Zr/Sc ratios overall closely reflect both provenance and homogenization in the lower reaches.
机译:日本西南部关东河流域的基底岩石可分为两大类。古近纪至白垩纪的长花岗岩和火山岩在上游地区占主导地位,而下游则以镁铁质,中新世火山岩和火山碎屑岩为主。具有地球化学特征的山姆贝山火山岩产品也出现在西部。对来自集水区内收集的86种溪流沉积物的两个大小级分(<180和180-2000μm)进行主要元素和14种微量元素的X射线荧光分析,以检查分选结果之间各组分之间的对比和不同来源的岩性相对于180-2000μm的馏分,<180μm的馏分富含SiO2,并富含大多数其他主要和微量元素。 Na2O,K2O,Ba,Rb和Sr相对于180-2000μm的比例已耗尽,或在丰度上几乎没有反差。与中新世火山岩相比,花岗岩类流域的沉积物具有更高的K2O,Th,Rb,Ba和Nb含量。源自花岗岩的<180微米级分也富含Zr,Ce和Y。来自中新世火山岩的沉积物通常含有更多的TiO2,Fe2O3 *,Sc,V,MgO和P2O5,这反映了它们的镁铁质来源。来源中含有桑贝火山岩的沉积物具有较高的Sr,CaO,Na2O和较低的Y标记,反映了一直保持在较低主通道中的adakitic特征,在该主通道中,随着床荷的均质化,组成逐渐变小。相对于源均值的归一化表明,180-2000μm馏分的组成从其母体中分馏的比例小于<180μm馏分,后者富含某些元素。对于源自花岗岩的沉积物,尺寸分数之间的对比度最大。沉积物的风化指数相对较低,表明源风化为中等,是典型的温带气候。相对于180-2000μm的花岗岩,来自花岗岩体的<180μm馏分中已经出现了一些锆石浓度,但是总体上Th / Sc和Zr / Sc的比率紧密反映了下游的出处和均质化。



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