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Bizarrely beautifulStapeliads


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Otherworldly, star-shaped flowers are the main draw of this intriguing group of succulents. RAY LEMIEUX, a grower for Tropiflora Nursery in Sarasota, Florida, was completely unprepared for the foot-wide blossom that opened at his new Florida home, stinking up his yard and attracting flies. "I just couldn't believe there could be a flower that smelled so bad," he recalls, a hint of disbelief still apparent in his voice. Despite this experience, Lemieux's encounter with giant carrion flower (Stapelia gigantea) was the starting point for his fascination with this bizarre group of plants comprising some 30 genera and loosely classified as "stapeliads." Stapeliads are lowgrowing, mostly leafless succulents with upright or drooping angular stems. The stems branch from their bases to form clumps that can grow quite large over time. They are primarily grown as houseplants, in cool greenhouses in temperate regions, and outdoors in warm regions that have relatively dry winters.
机译:超凡脱俗的星形花朵是这群有趣的多肉植物的主要吸引对象。佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的Tropiflora苗圃的种植者RAY LEMIEUX完全没有准备好在佛罗里达州新家开的那只脚开的花,使他的院子发臭并吸引了苍蝇。他回忆说:“我简直不敢相信有一朵花闻起来很难闻。”他的声音中仍然有些难以置信的迹象。尽管有这样的经验,但勒米厄与巨大的腐肉花(Stapelia gigantea)的相遇是他迷恋这种奇特的植物的起点,这种植物由大约30个属组成,并被粗略地归类为“ stapeliads”。金莲花属植物生长缓慢,多数为无叶多肉植物,茎直立或下垂。茎从其基部分支形成团块,该团块会随着时间的推移而变得很大。它们主要作为室内植物生长,在温带地区凉爽的温室中生长,而在冬季相对干燥的温暖地区则在室外生长。



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