首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Anticipatory head direction signals in anterior thalamus: evidence for a thalamocortical circuit that integrates angular head motion to compute head direction.

Anticipatory head direction signals in anterior thalamus: evidence for a thalamocortical circuit that integrates angular head motion to compute head direction.


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Several regions in the rat brain contain neurons known as head-direction cells, which fire only when the rat's head is facing in a specific direction. Head-direction cells are influenced only by the direction of the head with respect to the static environmental surroundings, and not by the position of the head relative to the body. Each head-direction cell has its own preferred direction of firing, so that together, the population of cells provides a continuous signal of momentary directional heading. Here, head-direction cells were recorded from the post-subicular cortex (PSC) and anterodorsal nucleus (ADN) of the thalamus of freely moving rats. Cell activity was analyzed in relation to both momentary head direction, and the angular velocity of head turns. Head-direction cells in PSC maintained the same directional firing preference, regardless of the angular head velocity. By contrast, head-direction cells in ADN systematically shifted their directional firing preference, as a function of angular head velocity. The ADN cells always shifted their directional tuning peak to the left during clockwise head turns, and to the right during counterclockwise head turns. These results suggest that ADN neurons anticipate the future direction of the head, whereas PSC neurons encode the present direction of the head. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that neurons in PSC and ADN are reciprocally connected to form a thalamocortical circuit, which computes the directional position of the rat's head by integrating the angular motion of the head over time.
机译:大鼠大脑中的几个区域包含称为头部方向细胞的神经元,仅当大鼠的头部朝向特定方向时才会触发。头部方向单元仅受头部相对于静态环境的方向的影响,而不受头部相对于身体的位置的影响。每个头部方向的电池都有其自己的首选发射方向,因此,整个电池单元共同提供了瞬时方向航向的连续信号。在这里,从自由运动大鼠的丘脑的关节下皮质(PSC)和前房核(ADN)记录了头方向细胞。分析细胞活动与瞬时头部方向以及头部转弯的角速度有关。 PSC中的头向单元保持相同的方向发射优先级,而不管角头速度如何。相比之下,ADN中的头向单元会根据头向角速度系统地改变其方向发射偏好。 ADN单元始终在顺时针旋转时向左移动其方向调谐峰值,在逆时针旋转时向右移动。这些结果表明,ADN神经元预测了头部的未来方向,而PSC神经元编码了头部的当前方向。基于这些发现,我们假设PSC和ADN中的神经元相互连接以形成丘脑皮质回路,该丘脑皮质回路通过积分头部随时间的角运动来计算大鼠头部的方向位置。



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