首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Regulation of spike initiation and propagation in an Aplysia sensory neuron: gating-in via central depolarization.

Regulation of spike initiation and propagation in an Aplysia sensory neuron: gating-in via central depolarization.


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Afferent transmission can be regulated (or gated) so that responses to peripheral stimuli are adjusted to make them appropriate for the ongoing phase of a motor program. Here, we characterize a gating mechanism that involves regulation of spike propagation in Aplysia mechanoafferent B21. B21 is striking in that afferent transmission to the motor neuron B8 does not occur when B21 is at resting membrane potential. Our data suggest that this results from the fact that spikes are not actively propagated to the lateral process of B21 (the primary contact with B8). When B21 is peripherally activated at its resting potential, electrotonic potentials in the lateral process are on average 11 mV. In contrast, mechanoafferent activity is transmitted to B8 when B21 is centrally depolarized via current injection. Our data suggest that central depolarization relieves propagation failure. Full-size spikes are recorded in the lateral process when B21 is depolarized and then peripherally activated. Moreover, changes inmembrane potential in the lateral process affect spike amplitude, even when the somatic membrane potential is virtually unchanged. During motor programs, both the lateral process and the soma of B21 are phasically depolarized via synaptic input. These depolarizations are sufficient to convert subthreshold potentials to full-size spikes in the lateral process. Thus, our data strongly suggest that afferent transmission from B21 to B8 is, at least in part, regulated via synaptic control of spike initiation in the lateral process. Consequences of this control for compartmentalization in B21 are discussed, as are specific consequences for feeding behavior.
机译:可以调节(或控制)传入的传输,以便调整对周围刺激的响应,使其适合于正在进行的运动程序阶段。在这里,我们描述了一个门控机制,该机制涉及调节海ly机械B21中的尖峰传播。 B21的惊人之处在于,当B21处于静息膜电位时,不会发生向运动神经元B8的传入传递。我们的数据表明,这是由于尖峰未主动传播到B21的横向过程(与B8的主要接触)这一事实造成的。当B21在其静止电位周围被激活时,横向过程中的电渗电位平均为11 mV。相反,当通过电流注入使B21集中去极化时,机械力活动被传递给B8。我们的数据表明中央去极化可以缓解传播失败。当B21去极化然后外围激活时,会在横向过程中记录全尺寸尖峰。此外,即使体膜电位实际上没有变化,在横向过程中膜电位的变化也会影响尖峰幅度。在运动程序中,B21的横向过程和躯体都通过突触输入被相位去极化。这些去极化足以在横向过程中将亚阈值电势转换为全尺寸尖峰。因此,我们的数据有力地表明,从B21到B8的传入传递至少部分是通过突触控制突突在侧向过程中进行调节的。讨论了在B21中进行分隔的控制的后果,以及进食行为的特定后果。



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