首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of molecular diagnostics: JMD >Quantitative determination of JAK2 V617F by TaqMan: An absolute measure of averaged copies per cell that may be associated with the different types of myeloproliferative disorders.

Quantitative determination of JAK2 V617F by TaqMan: An absolute measure of averaged copies per cell that may be associated with the different types of myeloproliferative disorders.

机译:TaqMan定量测定JAK2 V617F:绝对量度每个细胞的平均拷贝数,可能与不同类型的骨髓增生性疾病有关。

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We report a novel TaqMan assay for JAK2 V617F that measures averaged copies per cell in absolute terms, as opposed to a ratio of mutant to wild-type alleles. Measurements were obtained by comparing the JAK2 V617F signal generated by the test samples to that generated by a set of external plasmid standards containing the sequence of interest. Specificity of the assay was demonstrated above 36 cycles of amplification, and endpoint titration experiments indicated sensitivity down to 0.05% clinical dilutions. The test measured linearly over a wide logarithmic range and exhibited good reproducibility. Combination of this assay with another TaqMan method for determining cell number allowed identification of 14 cases of myeloproliferative disease with greater than two copies per cell. Mutational frequency was 68% among polycythemia vera (n=44), 59% (n=37) among essential thrombocythemia and 46% (n=13) among idiopathic myelofibrosis. Levels of the mutation were significantly higher in polycythemia vera compared with essential thrombocythemia (P=0.0005) and correlated with the following jointly significant variables at diagnosis: PRV-1, hemoglobin, white cell count, neutrophil count, and red cell count, using multiple regression analyses (P=0.015). This method should be useful for assessing the relationship of gene dose to phenotype and possibly for monitoring therapy.
机译:我们报告了一种新颖的TaqMan检测JAK2 V617F的方法,该方法以绝对值衡量每个细胞的平均拷贝数,而不是突变体与野生型等位基因的比率。通过将测试样品产生的JAK2 V617F信号与一组包含目标序列的外部质粒标准产生的信号进行比较,获得测量值。在扩增的36个循环以上证明了测定的特异性,终点滴定实验表明灵敏度低至0.05%临床稀释度。该测试在较宽的对数范围内线性测量,并显示出良好的重现性。将该测定方法与另一种TaqMan方法确定细胞数相结合,可以鉴定出14例骨髓增生性疾病,每个细胞多于两个拷贝。真性红细胞增多症(n = 44)的突变频率为68%,原发性血小板增多症中突变的频率为59%(n = 37),特发性骨髓纤维化的突变频率为46%(n = 13)。与原发性血小板增多症相比,真性红细胞增多症的突变水平显着更高(P = 0.0005),并且与以下诊断时的共同显着变量相关:PRV-1,血红蛋白,白细胞计数,中性粒细胞计数和红细胞计数,使用多次回归分析(P = 0.015)。该方法应可用于评估基因剂量与表型的关系,并可能用于监测治疗。



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