首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of investigative dermatology. >Engineered human skin substitutes undergo large-scale genomic reprogramming and normal skin-like maturation after transplantation to athymic mice.

Engineered human skin substitutes undergo large-scale genomic reprogramming and normal skin-like maturation after transplantation to athymic mice.


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Bioengineered skin substitutes can facilitate wound closure in severely burned patients, but deficiencies limit their outcomes compared with native skin autografts. To identify gene programs associated with their in vivo capabilities and limitations, we extended previous gene expression profile analyses to now compare engineered skin after in vivo grafting with both in vitro maturation and normal human skin. Cultured skin substitutes were grafted on full-thickness wounds in athymic mice, and biopsy samples for microarray analyses were collected at multiple in vitro and in vivo time points. Over 10,000 transcripts exhibited large-scale expression pattern differences during in vitro and in vivo maturation. Using hierarchical clustering, 11 different expression profile clusters were partitioned on the basis of differential sample type and temporal stage-specific activation or repression. Analyses show that the wound environment exerts a massive influence on gene expression in skin substitutes. For example, in vivo-healed skin substitutes gained the expression of many native skin-expressed genes, including those associated with epidermal barrier and multiple categories of cell-cell and cell-basement membrane adhesion. In contrast, immunological, trichogenic, and endothelial gene programs were largely lacking. These analyses suggest important areas for guiding further improvement of engineered skin for both increased homology with native skin and enhanced wound healing.



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