首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles Increases during Storage Because of Slow Dissolution under Release of Silver Ions

Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles Increases during Storage Because of Slow Dissolution under Release of Silver Ions


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The dissolution of citrate-stabilized and poly(vinylpyrrolidone)-stabilized silver nanoparticles in water was studied by dialysis for up to 125 days at 5,25, and 37 °C. The particles slowly dissolve into ions on a time scale of several days. However, in all cases, a limiting value of the released silver was observed, i.e., the particles did not completely dissolve. In some cases, the nanoparticles released up to 90% of their weight. Formal kinetic data were computed. Rate and degree of dissolution depended on the functionalization as well as on the storage temperature. The release of silver led to a considerably increased toxicity of silver nanoparticles which had been stored in dispersion for several weeks toward human mesenchymal stem cells due to the increased concentration of silver ions. Consequently, "aged" (i.e., immersed) silver nanoparticles are much more toxic to cells than freshly prepared silver nanoparticles.



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