首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Infectious Diseases >Use of an Sm-p80-based therapeutic vaccine to kill established adult schistosome parasites in chronically infected baboons

Use of an Sm-p80-based therapeutic vaccine to kill established adult schistosome parasites in chronically infected baboons


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No vaccines are available for human use for any parasitic infections, including the helminthic disease schistosomiasis. Sm-p80, the large subunit of Schistosoma mansoni calpain, is a leading antigen candidate for a schistosomiasis vaccine. Prophylactic and antifecundity efficacies of Sm-p80 have been tested using a variety of vaccine approaches in both rodent and nonhuman primate models. However, the therapeutic efficacy of a Sm-p80-based vaccine had not been determined. In this study, we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of Sm-p80 by using 2 different strategies and 3 Sm-p80-based vaccine formulations in baboons. Vaccine formulations were able to decrease established adult worms by 10%-36%, reduce retention of eggs in tissues by 10%-57%, and decrease egg excretion in feces by 13%-33%, compared with control formulations. Marked differences were observed in B and T cell immune correlates between vaccinated and control animals. This is the first report of killing of established adult schistosome worms by a vaccine. In addition to distinct prophylactic efficacy of Sm-p80, this study adds to the evidence that Sm-p80 is a potentially important antigen with both substantial prophylactic and therapeutic efficacies. These data reinforce that Sm-p80 should be moved forward along the path toward human clinical trials.
机译:没有任何可用于人类的疫苗用于任何寄生虫感染,包括蠕虫病血吸虫病。 Sm-p80是曼氏血吸虫钙蛋白酶的大亚基,是血吸虫病疫苗的主要抗原候选物。已经在啮齿动物模型和非人类灵长类动物模型中使用多种疫苗方法测试了Sm-p80的预防和生殖力功效。但是,尚未确定基于Sm-p80的疫苗的治疗功效。在这项研究中,我们通过在狒狒中使用2种不同策略和3种基于Sm-p80的疫苗制剂评估了Sm-p80的治疗效果。与对照制剂相比,疫苗制剂能够使成熟的成虫蠕虫减少10%-36%,组织中卵的保留减少10%-57%,粪便中的卵排泄减少13%-33%。在接种动物和对照动物之间,在B和T细胞免疫相关性方面观察到明显差异。这是第一种通过疫苗杀死成熟的血吸虫蠕虫的报道。除了Sm-p80具有独特的预防功效外,这项研究还增加了证据,表明Sm-p80是具有重要预防和治疗作用的潜在重要抗原。这些数据加强了Sm-p80应该沿着人类临床试验的方向前进。



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