首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of hospital infection >Needlestick and sharps injuries among nurses in the healthcare sector in a city of western Turkey.

Needlestick and sharps injuries among nurses in the healthcare sector in a city of western Turkey.


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The aims of this study were to determine the rate of bloodborne infections after needlestick and sharps injuries in nurses at work, to estimate the number of vaccinations administered, and to assess whether universal precautions were being followed. The study involved 289 nurses working in five hospitals and six primary healthcare centres. Between 1 April 2002 and 31 June 2002, a total of 139 practising nurses were included in the study following a needlestick or sharps injury. The results of completed questionnaires were collated, and Chi-squared test was used for analysis. The rate of hollow-bored needle-related injuries was 76.2% (106/139). Most nurses (69.1%) did not report any details of their injuries and 32.4% (45/139) of nurses had not been vaccinated against hepatitis B virus (HBV). Only 5.3% of the nurses who responded to the compliance question indicated that they always complied with universal precautions. Of 139 nurses, 1.4% and 7.9% showed evidence of HBV infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, respectively. All those who had hepatitis B were aged 30 years or under, whereas most of those who were anti-HCV positive (81.8%) were over 30 years old (P<0.05). Nurses working in the Turkish healthcare sector are frequently exposed to bloodborne infections. Precautions and protection from needlestick and sharps injuries are important in preventing infection of nurses. Education about the transmission of bloodborne infections, vaccination and post-exposure prophylaxis must be implemented. Further investigations are warranted to elucidate the risk to nurses of contracting these potentially serious infections.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定工作护士在针刺和锐器受伤后的血源性感染率,估计接种疫苗的次数,并评估是否遵循普遍的预防措施。该研究涉及在5家医院和6个主要医疗中心工作的289名护士。在2002年4月1日至2002年6月31日期间,总共有139名针刺或锐器受伤的在职护士。整理完成的问卷的结果,并使用卡方检验进行分析。空心针相关伤害的发生率为76.2%(106/139)。大多数护士(69.1%)没有报告受伤的任何细节,还有32.4%(45/139)的护士没有接种过乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)疫苗。回答依从性问题的护士中只有5.3%表示他们始终遵守普遍的预防措施。在139名护士中,分别有1.4%和7.9%的证据表明存在HBV感染和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的迹象。所有乙型肝炎患者的年龄均在30岁以下,而大多数抗HCV阳性的患者(81.8%)都在30岁以上(P <0.05)。在土耳其医疗保健部门工作的护士经常受到血液传播的感染。预防和防止针刺和锋利的伤害对于防止护士感染很重要。必须进行有关血源性感染传播,疫苗接种和暴露后预防的教育。有必要进行进一步的调查,以阐明护士感染这些潜在的严重感染的风险。



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