首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Improving productivity of four fruit species by growth regulators applied once in ultra-low doses to the collar

Improving productivity of four fruit species by growth regulators applied once in ultra-low doses to the collar


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Two growth retardants: paclobutrazol (P, Cultar) or 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) were applied once alone, or in mixtures (in a range of 5 to 20 mg per tree) to the collar of maiden plum, sour and sweet cherries and apple trees, in early spring ofthe second year after planting. Plum and apple trees were also treated with benzyladenine (BA) at 10 mg per tree a.i. in a mixture with P or TIBA. Sweet and sour cherry trees were treated with natural phenolic substances: phloridzin (Phi) and quercetin (Que) alone, or in mixtures with P and TIBA. A mid-stem treatment with P and shoot bending were also applied to the plum and apple trees for comparison. Measurements of tree growth and fruiting were made within 4 or 5 years. The reaction of the four species to the treatments varied according to the growth regulator applied. Plum trees responded mostly to TIBA and its mixtures with P. A strong suppression of tree growth and increased fruit productivity, as well as improved fruit quality, were observed. The TIBA application and its mixtures with P were also effective in causing growth reduction of the sweet cherry trees. Treatments with P alone, or mixed with TIBA, were effective in growth limitation of sour cherry trees. Some increase in the reproductiveprocesses was observed only after the TIBA treatment in both species. The apple trees responded to application of mixtures of TIBA with benzyladenine (BA), or with P, and to P alone, with effective growth reduction. But only the P + BA treatment increased significantly the fruiting of apple trees, while the other treatments resulted in crops proportional to the diminished tree sizes. The mid-stem treatment did not affect plum trees but increased growth of apple trees. Shoot bending had no effect on theplum trees but increased fruiting of apple trees. The addition of Phi to half the lower P dose or TIBA, magnified growth suppression in the sweet and sour cherry trees. When applied alone Que caused a small growth inhibition but Phi produced some increase in growth of sour cherry trees. Results obtained show the possibilities of practical applications of growth regulators to the collar. Their reduced doses mixed with natural phenolic substances are equally effective in growth suppression and make fruit production safer and more profitable, especially in plum and sour cherry trees.
机译:两种生长抑制剂:多效唑(P,Cultar)或2,3,5-三碘苯甲酸(TIBA)一次或以混合物(每棵树5到20 mg的混合物)施用于酸梅娘子的项圈。种植后第二年的早春,还有甜樱桃和苹果树。李子和苹果树也用苄基腺嘌呤(BA)处理,每棵a.i. 10 mg。与P或TIBA混合使用。糖醋樱桃树用天然酚类物质处理:单独的phloridzin(Phi)和槲皮素(Que),或与P和TIBA的混合物。为了便于比较,还对李子和苹果树进行了P和芽弯曲的中茎处理。在4到5年内对树木的生长和结果进行了测量。四种物种对处理的反应根据所应用的生长调节剂而变化。梅树对TIBA及其与P的混合物反应最为明显。观察到强烈抑制了树的生长,提高了果实的生产率,并改善了果实的品质。 TIBA的应用及其与P的混合物也有效地导致了甜樱桃树的生长减少。单独使用P或与TIBA混合使用P可以有效抑制酸樱桃树的生长。仅在两个物种的TIBA处理后,才观察到生殖过程的某些增加。苹果树对TIBA与苄腺嘌呤(BA)或与P的混合物以及仅对P的施用都有反应,有效减少了生长。但是,只有P + BA处理显着增加了苹果树的结实率,而其他处理导致的作物产量与树木的大小成正比。中茎处理对梅花树没有影响,但增加了苹果树的生长。芽弯曲对李子树没有影响,但是增加了苹果树的结实率。在较低的P剂量或TIBA的一半中添加Phi,在糖醋樱桃树中放大了生长抑制作用。当单独使用Que时,对生长的抑制作用很小,但是Phi酸樱桃树的生长却有所增加。获得的结果表明了将生长调节剂实际应用于颈圈的可能性。它们的减少剂量与天然酚类物质的混合同样有效地抑制了生长,使水果生产更安全,更有利可图,特别是在李子和酸樱桃树中。



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