首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Effect of hydrogen cyanamide (dormex), volk oil and potassium nitrate on budbreak, yield and nut characteristics of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)

Effect of hydrogen cyanamide (dormex), volk oil and potassium nitrate on budbreak, yield and nut characteristics of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)

机译:氰氨化氢(dormex),Volk油和硝酸钾对开心果(Pistacia vera L.)芽,产量和坚果特性的影响

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Inadequate chilling may delay normal blooming and severely reduce yield of pistachio trees in sub-tropical regions. The present study was conducted in a commerical orchard in Shahmiran, in the south west of the Kerman province of Iran, Hydrogen cyanamide ("dormex" at 0, 1.5 and 3%), volk oil (0, 3.5 and 7%) and potassium nitrate (0, 1.5 and 3%) were applied to branch units of pistachio trees in 2002 and 2003. These treatments, plus combinations of dormex and volk oil, volk oil and potassium nitrate,and 7% volk oil were applied 4 and 8 weeks before normal budbreak (January 5 and February 4). The chemicals were sprayed on two branches of 'Ahmad-aghaei' trees during the two years of study. Treatments with hydrogen cyanamide (dormex), volk mineral oiland combinations of dormex and volk oil, volk oil and potassium nitrate brought forward budbreak by 15 to 20 days compared with controls, and significantly increased yield of the treated branches, dehiscence of nuts and reduced the blank percentage of pistachio nuts of cultivar Ahamd-aghai. Higher concentrations of dormex and volk oil, in the second application (February 4) and combinations of dormex and volk oil were more effective in increasing the yield per branch. The best treatment was dormex 4%, plus volk oil 7%, during the second application. Potassium nitrate (1.5 and 3%) had no significant effect on yield, dehiscence or blank percentage of pistachio nuts. The results of this study might be applicable to pistachio growing regions with a mild winter.
机译:冷度不足可能会延迟亚热带地区的开心果开花并严重降低开心果的产​​量。本研究是在伊朗克尔曼省西南部Shahmiran的一家商业果园中进行的,其中的氰氨氢盐(“ dormex”含量为0、1.5和3%),Volk油(0、3.5和7%)和钾在2002年和2003年将硝酸盐(分别为0%,1.5%和3%)施用于开心果树的分支单元。这些处理方法以及dormex和volk油,volk油和硝酸钾的组合以及7%volk油的施用分别为4周和8周正常爆发前(1月5日和2月4日)。在两年的研究过程中,将化学药品喷在了“ Ahmad-aghaei”树的两个树枝上。与对照组相比,用氰氨化氢(dormex),volk矿物油以及dormex和volk油,volk油和硝酸钾的组合处理可使芽萌芽提前15到20天,并显着提高了处理后枝的产量,坚果开裂并减少了Ahamd-aghai开心果的空白百分比。在第二个应用程序中(2月4日),更高浓度的dormex和volk油以及dormex和volk油的组合在提高每个分支的产量上更为有效。最好的处理方法是在第二次施用期间使用4%的dormex和7%的精油。硝酸钾(1.5%和3%)对开心果的产​​量,开裂或空白百分比没有显着影响。这项研究的结果可能适用于冬季温和的开心果生长地区。



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