首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Lycopene, carbohydrates, ascorbic acid and yield components of diploid and triploid watermelon cultivars are affected by deficit irrigation

Lycopene, carbohydrates, ascorbic acid and yield components of diploid and triploid watermelon cultivars are affected by deficit irrigation


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Many vegetable production regions in the southwestern US are strictly regulated on water use. In addition, demand for high quality and nutritious vegetables has increased. This study was performed to explore the effects of deficit irrigation on yield, fruit quality, lycopene content, vitamin C and sugar composition of red-fleshed diploid and triploid watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb) Matsum & Nakai) cultivars. Irrigation treatments were 1.0, 0.75 and 0.5 evapotranspiration (ET) rates. Cultivars used were 'Summer Flavor 710', 'RWM 8036', 'Allsweet', 'Sugarlee', and 'SWD 7302' (diploids) and 'Summer Sweet 5244', 'SWT 8706', 'Sugar Time', and 'Tri X Sunrise' (triploids). Total water applied through a subsurface drip system was 395, 298 and 1.73 mm, for the 1.0, 0.75 and 0.50 ET rates, respectively. Total yields were highest at 1.0 ET (53.9 t ha(-1)) compared with 0.5 ET (26.8 t ha(-1)). Triploids had a 34% higher total yield and fewer culls (2%) compared with diploid cultivars (25%). Highest yields were obtained for 'Tri X Sunrise', 'SWT 8706', and 'SWD 7302'. 'Sugar Time' had the highest soluble solids content (13.4%) of all cultivars (range 9.7-11.0%). Triploid cultivars had firmer flesh compared to diploids (12.0 v 9.9. N). Lycopene content increased slightly with maturity (55.8 to 60.2 mug g(-1) fw), and was significantly higher at 0.75 ET and 1.0 ET. Lycopene content averaged over all treatments was 60-66 mug g(-1) fw for triploids and 45 to 80 mug g(-1) fw for diploid fruits. Overall, lycopene and vitamin C content did not decrease with deficit irrigation at 0.75 ET. There was genetic variability for lycopene, vitamin C, and sugar composition, primarily fructose, among diploids and triploids.
机译:美国西南部的许多蔬菜生产地区都严格限制用水。另外,对高质量和营养蔬菜的需求增加了。进行这项研究的目的是探讨亏缺灌溉对红肉二倍体和三倍体西瓜(Citrullus lanatus(Thunb)Matsum&Nakai)品种的产量,果实品质,番茄红素含量,维生素C和糖成分的影响。灌溉处理的蒸散率分别为1.0、0.75和0.5。使用的品种为'Summer Flavor 710','RWM 8036','Allsweet','Sugarlee'和'SWD 7302'(二倍体)和'Summer Sweet 5244','SWT 8706','Sugar Time'和'Trigar X日出”(三倍体)。通过地下滴灌系统施加的总水量分​​别为395、298和1.73毫米,ET速率分别为1.0、0.75和0.50。总产量最高为1.0 ET(53.9 t ha(-1)),而0.5 ET(26.8 t ha(-1))。与二倍体品种(25%)相比,三倍体的总产量高34%,剔除的剔除物(2%)少。 “ Tri X Sunrise”,“ SWT 8706”和“ SWD 7302”获得了最高产量。在所有品种中,“糖时间”的可溶性固形物含量最高(13.4%)(范围为9.7-11.0%)。与二倍体相比,三倍体品种的果肉更坚硬(12.0 v 9.9。N)。番茄红素含量随成熟度(55.8至60.2马克杯g(-1)fw)略微增加,在0.75 ET和1.0 ET时显着更高。在所有处理中,番茄红素的平均含量对于三倍体为60-66杯g(-1)fw,对于二倍体果实为45至80杯g(-1)fw。总体而言,番茄红素和维生素C含量在0.75 ET时不亏缺灌溉。在二倍体和三倍体之间,番茄红素,维生素C和糖成分(主要是果糖)存在遗传变异。



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