首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Micropropagation of Arbutus unedo, A. andrachne, and their natural hybrid, A. x andrachnoides from seedling explants.

Micropropagation of Arbutus unedo, A. andrachne, and their natural hybrid, A. x andrachnoides from seedling explants.

机译:来自幼苗外植体的云母杨梅,A。andrachne及其天然杂种A. x andrachnoides的微繁。

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Micropropagation of Arbutus unedo, A. andrachne, and A. x andrachnoides could facilitate their use as ornamental, forestry and medicinal plants, while the use of in vitro-grown seedlings as stock material could solve contamination and seasonality problems. Seeds germinated at high rates (87-99%) at 15 degrees C on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium after 24-30 d, depending on the species. Nodal explants were excised from 2-month-old seedlings grown on MS medium or on woody plant medium (WPM) salts supplemented with 100 mg l-1 myo-inositol, 1.0 mg l-1 thiamine, 0.5 mg l-1 pyridoxine, and 0.5 mg l-1 nicotinic acid, containing 1.0 mg l-1 indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Multiple shoots were produced from each initial culture, and from subsequent sub-cultures on MS medium or on WPM containing 2.5 or 5.0 mg l-1 zeatin (ZEA). The use of thidiazuron (TDZ) at 0.2 or 2.0 mg l-1, instead of ZEA, resulted in a reduced response and fewer shoots per explant. In addition, these TDZ-treated shoots had malformations and were very short, making them unsuitable for multiplication. The rates of multiplication on both media containing 2.5 or 5.0 mg l-1 ZEA were six- to seven-fold higher than on TDZ-containing or hormone-free media. MS medium resulted in higher rates of shoot production than WPM (4.4-7.8 vs. 2.2-5.3 shoots per explant, respectively, depending on the species and concentration of plant growth regulator) for cultures with a higher shoot proliferation potential. In contrast, WPM induced higher rooting percentages and more roots per micro-shoot (82-97% and 4.5-8.5, respectively, depending on the species and IBA concentration) compared to MS medium (42-64% and 3.1-4.1, respectively). A. x andrachnoides had a proliferation potential (4.6 shoots per explant on average on both media and ZEA concentrations) that was between the two parental species (5.9 and 3.4 shoots per explant for A. andrachne and A. unedo, respectively). Ex vitro acclimatisation and survival of plantlets in a 1:1 (v/v) mix of peat:perlite was highly successful (92-100%).
机译:乌头杨梅,A。andrachne和A. x andrachnoides的微繁殖可以促进它们用作观赏,林业和药用植物,而使用体外生长的幼苗作为原料可以解决污染和季节性问题。种子在24至30 d后以半强度Murashige和Skoog(MS)培养基在15摄氏度下以高比率(87-99%)萌发。从2个月大的幼苗上摘下节点外植体,该幼苗生长在MS培养基或木盐植物培养基(WPM)盐中,该盐补充有100 mg l -1 肌醇,1.0 mg l -1 硫胺素,0.5 mg l -1 吡ido醇和0.5 mg l -1 烟酸,其中含有1.0 mg l -1 吲哚-3-丁酸(IBA)。从每种初始培养物以及随后在含有2.5或5.0 mg l -1 玉米素(ZEA)的MS培养基或WPM上进行的继代培养,均产生了许多芽。代替ZEA使用0.2或2.0 mg l -1 的噻唑隆(TDZ)可以减少响应,减少每个外植体的芽。此外,这些经TDZ处理的枝条畸形且非常短,因此不适合繁殖。两种含有2.5或5.0 mg l -1 ZEA的培养基的增殖速率比含TDZ或无激素的培养基高6至7倍。对于具有较高芽增殖潜力的培养物,MS培养基比WPM产生更高的芽产量(每株外植体分别为4.4-7.8和2.2-5.3芽,具体取决于植物生长调节剂的种类和浓度)。相比之下,与MS培养基(分别为42-64%和3.1-4.1)相比,WPM诱导的更高的生根百分比和每微芽的更多根(分别为82-97%和4.5-8.5,具体取决于种类和IBA浓度)。 )。 A. x andrachnoides的增殖潜力(在培养基和ZEA浓度下,平均每个外植体有4.6个芽)在两个亲本物种之间(A. andrachne和A. unedo每个外植体分别为5.9和3.4个)。在泥炭:珍珠岩的1:1(v / v)混合物中,试管苗的离体适应和存活非常成功(92-100%)。



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