首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >In vitro radio-sensitivity of different genotypes and explants of rose (Rosa hybrida).

In vitro radio-sensitivity of different genotypes and explants of rose (Rosa hybrida).

机译:玫瑰(Rosa hybrida)不同基因型和外植体的体外放射敏感性。

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In vitro techniques, in combination with induced mutations, are used to speed-up plant breeding programmes. One of the important steps when inducing mutations is to determine the radio-sensitivity (i.e., the lethal dose for 50% of samples; LD50) of the species. In order to determine the LD50 of rose (Rosa hybrida), the effects of different doses of gamma-rays on in vitro nodal sections of five rose genotypes ('Apollo', 'Maroussia', 'Dolce Vita', 'Black Baccara', and 'Beauty by Ogre') and on leaf explants of two rose genotypes ('Apollo' and 'Maroussia') were investigated. Nodal sections were exposed to various doses of gamma-irradiation (0-100 Gray) and, based on the higher coefficient of determination (R2) in regression analysis, survival rate was selected as a suitable parameter for determining LD50. Leaf explants were also subjected to different doses of gamma-irradiation (0-50 Gray) and regeneration percentages were chosen as the parameter to calculate LD50. The results indicated that, as the dose of irradiation increased, growth parameters were significantly affected. The LD50 was determined to be 40-50 Gray for 'Dolce Vita', 'Black Baccara', and 'Beauty by Ogre', whereas it was 50-60 Gray for 'Maroussia', and 60-70 Gray for 'Apollo'. Apart from the effect of genotype, the type of explant was also important when choosing the correct dose of gamma-irradiation. Leaf explants were more sensitive than nodal sections, and the recommended LD50 for leaf explants was 20-30 Gray for both 'Apollo' and 'Maroussia'. Morphological observations revealed one mutant in each of the genotypes 'Maroussia' and 'Black Baccara'. Three mutants of 'Apollo' which were significantly different from the original progenitor were also identified. This is the first report on gamma-ray doses suitable for mutation breeding of in vitro nodal sections and leaf explants of rose.
机译:结合诱导突变的体外技术可用于加快植物育种程序。诱导突变的重要步骤之一是确定物种的放射敏感性(即50%样品的致死剂量; LD 50 )。为了确定玫瑰(Rosa hybrida)的LD 50 ,不同剂量的伽玛射线对5种玫瑰基因型('Apollo','Maroussia','Dolce' Vita”,“ Black Baccara”和“ Beauty by Ogre”)以及两种玫瑰基因型(“ Apollo”和“ Maroussia”)的外植体进行了研究。将结节切片暴露于不同剂量的伽马射线辐照下(0-100灰色),并基于回归分析中较高的确定系数(R 2 ),选择存活率作为合适的参数确定LD 50 。还对叶片外植体进行了不同剂量的γ射线辐照(0-50 Gray),并选择再生百分比作为计算LD 50 的参数。结果表明,随着辐照剂量的增加,生长参数受到显着影响。 LD 50 的“ Dolce Vita”,“ Black Baccara”和“ Beauty by Ogre”被确定为40-50 Gray,而“ Maroussia”则为50-60 Gray,而60 -70灰色代表“阿波罗”。除了基因型的影响外,选择正确剂量的伽马射线照射时外植体的类型也很重要。叶外植体比节节更敏感,对于“ Apollo”和“ Maroussia”,叶外植体的推荐LD 50 为20-30 Gray。形态学观察表明,每种基因型“ Maroussia”和“ Black Baccara”都有一个突变体。还鉴定了三个与原始祖细胞明显不同的“阿波罗”突变体。这是关于适用于玫瑰的体外节节和叶外植体突变育种的伽马射线剂量的首次报道。



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