首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Evaluation of the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis in guava (Psidium guajava L.).

Evaluation of the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis in guava (Psidium guajava L.).


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An embryogenic protocol for plant regeneration of guava (Psidium guajava L.) was established using 10-week post-anthesis, zygotic embryo explants. Somatic embryogenesis was induced on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) containing 3% (w/v) sucrose, 0.8% (w/v) agar and various concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) by continuous treatment of the zygotic embryo explants. Somatic embryos appeared as globular structures at the end of the third week from culture initiation, and heart-shaped, cotyledonary-stage, and torpedo-stage embryos appeared within the next few weeks. The development of somatic embryos was asynchronous and showed five-to-seven discernible stages. Depending upon the response of the somatic embryos during their maturation, germination, acclimatisation, and encapsulation, they were grouped into one of three categories. The preferred type of somatic embryos (>=1.5 mm) were called the "elongated torpedo" (ET) category. The slightly less-preferred type of stomatic embryos (from 1.0-1.5 mm) were termed the "short torpedo" (ST) category. The least preferred types of somatic embryos, at the cotyledonary, heart-shaped, and/or globular stages of development (<1.0 mm), were grouped into a third category designated "CHG". The suitability and efficacy of various growth regulators and other treatments were assessed based on six different embryogenic parameters: (i) the frequency of embryogenesis; (ii) the intensity of embryogenesis, defined as the average number of somatic embryos produced per culture ("ANEPC"); (iii) the frequency of ET somatic embryos; (iv) the frequency of ST somatic embryos; (v) the frequency of CHG somatic embryos; and (vi) the overall efficiency of embryogenesis, defined as the potential of a treatment to produce somatic embryos at the ET or ST stages, or at both stages of development, that could be converted into plantlets. In the present report, we found that 0.01 mg l-1 2,4-D gave the maximum frequency and intensity of embryogenesis. But the highest frequencies of ET and ST somatic embryos were produced on MS medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose and 0.001 mg l-1 2,4-D, while CHG embryos were produced at the highest frequency on the same medium, but containing 0.5 mg l-1 2,4-D. It was difficult to calculate the most effective concentration of 2,4-D for somatic embryogenesis based on parameters (i)-(v) above. Hence, quantitative estimations of the efficiency of embryogenesis (sixth parameter) were imperative in order to analyse the potential of the different treatments. The highest efficiency of somatic embryogenesis was achieved by continuous treatment of 10-week post-anthesis, zygotic embryo explants with 0.01 mg l-1 2,4-D on full-strength MS agar medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose. These somatic embryos matured normally on the same medium, and germinated well both on half-strength solid and in half-strength liquid MS medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose. They grew in full-strength liquid MS medium with 3% (w/v) sucrose and showed maximum survival upon transfer to soil and hardening. Evaluations of the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis in guava, based on the six parameters defined above, have also helped us to understand and evaluate processes for high efficiency micropropagation in other species.
机译:使用花后10周合子胚外植体建立了番石榴(Psidium guajava L.)植物再生的胚发生方案。通过连续处理在含有3%(w / v)蔗糖,0.8%(w / v)琼脂和各种浓度的2,4-二氯苯氧基乙酸(2,4-D)的Murashige和Skoog培养基(MS)上诱导体细胞胚发生合子胚外植体。从培养开始的第三周末,体细胞胚以球状结构出现,在接下来的几周内出现了心形,子叶期和鱼雷期胚。体细胞胚的发育是异步的,并显示出五到七个可辨别的阶段。根据体细胞胚在成熟,发芽,适应和包囊过程中的反应,将它们分为三类之一。体细胞胚的首选类型(> = 1.5 mm)被称为“细长鱼雷”(ET)类别。气孔胚胎的类型稍差一些(从1.0-1.5毫米)被称为“短鱼雷”(ST)类别。在子叶,心形和/或球状发育阶段(<1.0毫米),最不优选的体细胞胚类型被归为第三类,称为“ CHG”。根据六个不同的胚胎发生参数评估了各种生长调节剂和其他治疗方法的适用性和有效性:(i)胚胎发生的频率; (ii)胚胎发生的强度,定义为每次培养产生的平均体细胞胚数(“ ANEPC”); (iii)ET体细胞胚的发生频率; (iv)ST体细胞胚的频率; (v)CHG体细胞胚的发生频率; (vi)胚胎发生的整体效率,定义为在ET或ST阶段或发育的两个阶段产生体细胞胚的治疗方法的潜力,可以将其转化为小植株。在本报告中,我们发现0.01 mg l -1 2,4-D具有最大的胚发生频率和强度。但是,ET和ST体细胞胚的最高频率是在含有3%(w / v)蔗糖和0.001 mg l -1 2,4-D的MS培养基上产生的,而CHG胚是在该培养基上产生的。在相同培养基上的最高频率,但含有0.5 mg l -1 2,4-D。根据上述参数(i)-(v),很难计算出2,4-D对体细胞胚发生的最有效浓度。因此,为了分析不同治疗方法的潜力,必须对胚胎发生效率(第六参数)进行定量估计。在含3%全脂MS琼脂培养基上连续用0.01 mg l -1 2,4-D处理花后10周的合子胚外植体,可获得最高的体细胞胚发生效率。 (w / v)蔗糖。这些体细胞胚在相同的培养基上正常成熟,并且在含有3%(w / v)蔗糖的半强度固体和半强度液体MS培养基上均能良好发芽。它们在含3%(w / v)蔗糖的全强度液体MS培养基中生长,并在转移到土壤和硬化后显示出最大的存活率。基于上述六个参数对番石榴中体细胞胚发生效率的评估也帮助我们了解和评估了其他物种中高效微繁殖的过程。



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