首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Development and organization of ocular dominance bands in primary visual cortex of the sable ferret.

Development and organization of ocular dominance bands in primary visual cortex of the sable ferret.


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Thalamocortical afferents in the visual cortex of the adult sable ferret are segregated into eye-specific ocular dominance bands. The development of ocular dominance bands was studied by transneuronal labeling of the visual cortices of ferret kits between the ages of postnatal day 28 (P28) and P81 after intravitreous injections of either tritiated proline or wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase. Laminar specificity was evident in the youngest animals studied and was similar to that in the adult by P50. In P28 and P30 ferret kits, no modulation reminiscent of ocular dominance bands was detectable in the pattern of labeling along layer IV. By P37 a slight fluctuation in the density of labeling in layer IV was evident in serial reconstructions. By P50, the amplitude of modulation had increased considerably but the pattern of ocular dominance bands did not yet appear mature. The pattern and degree of modulation of the ocular dominance bands resembled that in adult animals by P63. Flat mounts of cortex and serial reconstructions of layer IV revealed an unusual arrangement of inputs serving the two eyes in the region rostral to the periodic ocular dominance bands. In this region, inputs serving the contralateral eye were commonly fused along a mediolateral axis, rostral to which were large and sometimes fused patches of ipsilateral input.



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