首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Laminar and retinotopic organization of the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus: magnocellular and parvocellular magnification functions.

Laminar and retinotopic organization of the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus: magnocellular and parvocellular magnification functions.


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The laminar morphology and electrophysiologically determined retinotopic organization of a single rhesus macaque lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were reconstructed on series of coronal, sagittal, and horizontal cuts through a three-dimensional computer representation of the nucleus. Neurons were counted in this same nucleus, allowing the magnification functions (cells/degree2 as functions of eccentricity) of magnocellular and parvocellular layers to be determined after eliminating the effects of nonuniform volume shrinkage. Parvocellular magnification was approximately 10,000 times higher in the foveola than in the far periphery. On average, magnocellular neurons made up 2.6% of the LGN in the central 2 degrees (but probably a smaller fraction in the central fovea). The magnocellular portion increased steadily with eccentricity to 27% in the far periphery. Thus the magno/parvo ratio increases from foveola to far periphery by a factor of at least 14. The parvocellular magnification function matches estimates of cortical magnification, whereas the density of magnocellular afferents to cortex increases monotonically with eccentricity. At the posterior pole of the nucleus, the numbers of layers are reduced through a fusion of two layers and the disappearance of one or two others, a feature that may be associated with the foveal ipsilateral hemifield representation.
机译:通过一系列核的三维计算机表示,在一系列冠状,矢状和水平切口上重建了单个恒河猴猕猴外侧膝状核(LGN)的层状形态和电生理学确定的视网膜组织。在相同的细胞核中对神经元进行计数,从而消除了体积不均匀收缩的影响后,就可以确定大细胞和小细胞层的放大功能(细胞/度2作为偏心率的函数)。小凹中的小细胞放大率比远处的小细胞放大率高约10,000倍。平均而言,在2度中央,大细胞神经元占LGN的2.6%(但在中央中央凹中可能较小)。在远处,大细胞部分以偏心率稳定增加至27%。因此,magno / parvo比值从中央窝到远端增加了至少14倍。小细胞的放大功能与皮层放大率的估计值相匹配,而大细胞的皮层到皮质的密度随偏心率单调增加。在细胞核的后极,通过两层融合以及一层或两层的消失减少了层数,这可能与同侧同侧半球半影表现有关。



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