首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Prominent system of RFamide immunoreactive neurons in the rhopalia of box jellyfish (Cnidaria: Cubozoa).

Prominent system of RFamide immunoreactive neurons in the rhopalia of box jellyfish (Cnidaria: Cubozoa).


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The four visual sensory structures of a cubomedusa, the rhopalia, display a surprisingly elaborate organization by containing two lens eyes and four bilaterally paired pigment cup eyes. Peptides containing the peptide sequence Arg-Phe-NH2 (RFamide) occur in close association with visual structures of cnidarians, including the rhopalia and rhopalial stalk of cubomedusae, suggesting that RFamide functions as a neuronal marker for certain parts of the visual system of medusae. Using immunofluorescence we give a detailed description of the organization of the RFamide-immunoreactive (ir) nervous system in the rhopalia and rhopalial stalk of the cubomedusae Tripedalia cystophora and Carybdea marsupialis. The bilaterally symmetric RFamide-ir nervous system contains four cell groups and three morphologically different cell types. Neurites spread throughout the rhopalia and occur in close vicinity of the pigment cup eyes and the lower lens eye. Two commissures connect the two sides of the system and neurites of one rhopalial cell group extend into the rhopalial stalk. The RFamide-ir nervous system in the rhopalia of cubomedusae is more widespread and comprises more cells than earlier discerned. We suggest that the system might not only integrate visual input but also signals from other senses. One of the RFamide-ir cell groups is favorably situated to represent pacemaker neurons that set the swimming rhythm of the medusa.
机译:cubomedusa的四个视觉感官结构,即rhopalia,通过包含两个晶状体眼和四个双侧配对的色素杯眼,表现出令人惊讶的精致组织。含有肽序列Arg-Phe-NH2(RFamide)的肽与虫的视觉结构密切相关,包括cubomedusae的Rhopalia和Rhopalial茎,这表明RFamide可以作为美杜莎视觉系统某些部分的神经元标记。使用免疫荧光,我们详细描述了水曲霉Tripedalia cystophora和marsupialis的鞭状和纹状茎中RFamide-免疫反应性(ir)神经系统的组织。双边对称的RFamide-ir神经系统包含四个细胞组和三个形态不同的细胞类型。神经突遍布整个纹状体,并出现在色素杯眼和下晶状体眼附近。两个连合连接系统的两侧,一个纹状细胞群的神经突延伸到纹状体茎中。 cubomedusae纹状体中的RFamide-ir神经系统比以前发现的更为广泛,并且包含更多的细胞。我们建议该系统不仅可以集成视觉输入,还可以集成其他感官的信号。 RFamide-ir细胞组之一的位置优越,可代表起搏器神经元,该神经元设定了美杜莎的游泳节奏。



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