首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Ecology >Size-dependence of growth and mortality influence the shade tolerance of trees in a lowland temperate rain forest

Size-dependence of growth and mortality influence the shade tolerance of trees in a lowland temperate rain forest


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1. A trade-off between growth in high-light and survival in low-light of species is often proposed as a key mechanism underpinning the dynamics of trees in forest communities. Yet, growth and survival are known to depend on plant size and few studies have analysed how this trade-off can vary between juvenile life stages and the potential consequences of the trade-off for the differences in regeneration rate between species in mixed forests. 2. We quantified growth and mortality for two different juvenile life stages - seedlings and saplings - of seven tree species common in temperate rain forests in New Zealand using data from field studies. We found strong evidence that the ranking of species for survival in shade and growth in full light was affected by size. There was a trade-off between seedling survival in low light and sapling height growth in high light, but no trade-offs were observed when considering other combinations of life stages (seedling growth vs. seedling survival, seedling growth vs. sapling survival, or sapling growth vs. sapling survival). 3. We ran simulations with an individual-based forest dynamics model - SORTIE/NZ - to explore how the trade-off drives the differences in tree species regeneration success in gaps vs. under closed forest conditions. These simulations indicate that because species' ranks in shade tolerance varied with life stage, regeneration success was not predicted from knowledge of tree performance at a single life stage. For instance, high-light sapling growth was a strong determinant of regeneration success in forest gaps, but seedling growth was also influential. Under closed forest, regeneration success was primarily limited by low-light mortality at the seedling stage, but seedling growth and sapling survival were also influential. 4. Synthesis. Growth-survival trade-offs can be strongly affected by the size of the individual analysed, resulting in completely different rankings of the shade tolerance of species across different juvenile life stages. Performance of both seedlings and saplings influenced regeneration success, highlighting the need to consider growth-survival trade-offs and the shade-tolerance strategies of tree species over a large range of juvenile sizes.
机译:1.人们经常提出在高光照下生长与低光照下生存之间进行权衡,这是支撑森林群落树木动态的关键机制。然而,已知生长和存活取决于植物的大小,很少有研究分析这种折衷如何在幼年生命阶段之间变化,以及折衷对混交林中物种间再生速率差异的潜在后果。 2.我们使用实地研究的数据,对新西兰温带雨林中常见的七种树种的两个不同的少年生命阶段(幼苗和幼树)的生长和死亡率进行了量化。我们发现有力的证据表明,树荫下生存和全光照下生长的物种排名受大小影响。在弱光条件下的幼苗存活与高光条件下的树苗高度生长之间需要权衡,但在考虑生命阶段的其他组合(幼苗生长与幼苗存活,幼苗生长与树苗存活或幼树生长与幼树生存)。 3.我们使用基于个体的森林动力学模型SORTIE / NZ进行了模拟,以探索权衡如何驱动间隙与封闭森林条件下树种再生成功率的差异。这些模拟表明,由于树种的耐荫性等级随生命阶段而变化,因此无法根据单个生命阶段的树木表现知识来预测再生成功。例如,高光的树苗生长是森林间隙再生成功的重要决定因素,但幼苗生长也有影响。在封闭的森林中,再生成功主要受到幼苗期低光照死亡率的限制,但是幼苗的生长和幼树的成活也有影响。 4.合成。生长-生存的权衡会受到分析个体的大小的强烈影响,从而导致不同幼年阶段物种的阴影耐受性等级完全不同。幼树和幼树的性能都影响了再生的成功,突出了需要考虑各种大龄幼树的生长-生存权衡和树种的耐荫性策略。



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