首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Ecology >Grass and oak litter exert different effects on seedling emergence of herbaceous perennials from grasslands and woodlands

Grass and oak litter exert different effects on seedling emergence of herbaceous perennials from grasslands and woodlands


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1. The effects of litter on seedling emergence (e.g. during succession from grassland to woodland) may not only depend on litter amount and environmental conditions but may also be related to litter types. We tested the effect of litter types, litter cover and soil moisture on the emergence of four congeneric pairs of grassland and woodland species. 2. We carried out a controlled pot experiment (Experiment I) using litter and species from two habitats (grassland vs. woodland), three levels of litter cover (low, medium, high) and two levels of water-addition (leading to constantly humid or intermittently dry substrate). Amounts of litter were adjusted to result in the same relative light reduction for both litter types. Consequently, we applied 2 g, 4 g and 8 g of grassland litter and 0.5 g, 1 g and 2 g of woodland (oak) litter per pot. 3. To separate the shade effect of litter from its mechanical plus chemical effects we exposed additional pots with seeds of the same species to deep shade conditions (Experiment II) corresponding to 4 g and 1 g of grass and oak litter, respectively. 4. Under intermittently dry conditions both litter types increased seedling emergence. In addition, we found a significant interaction between litter type and species origin: seedling emergence of woodland species was significantly lower from beneath grass litter than from beneath oak litter, whereas grassland species emerged equally well from beneath both litter types. Compared with seed germination under a shade cloth, seedling emergence of woodland species from beneath grass litter was reduced by 44%. Litter significantly affected soil humidity and the amplitude of diurnal temperature fluctuations. Differential effects of litter types on woodland and grassland species are probably related to litter structure. 5. Synthesis. Our experimental data present evidence that ecosystem specific litter effects slow down succession from grassland to woodland and that the effect size is controlled by the litter amount present and the environmental conditions.
机译:1.凋落物对幼苗出苗的影响(例如,从草地过渡到林地的过程中)不仅取决于凋落物的数量和环境条件,而且还可能与凋落物类型有关。我们测试了凋落物类型,凋落物覆盖率和土壤湿度对四对同类草地和林地物种出现的影响。 2.我们进行了一个受控盆栽试验(实验I),使用了来自两个栖息地(草地与林地),三个层次的凋落物覆盖度(低,中,高)和两个水平的加水量(导致持续不断的凋落物和物种)潮湿或间歇干燥的基材)。调整垃圾的数量,以使两种垃圾的相对减光率相同。因此,我们每盆分别施用了2 g,4 g和8 g的草地垫料和0.5 g,1 g和2 g的林地(橡木)垫料。 3.为了将垃圾的阴影效果与其机械效果和化学效果分开,我们将具有相同物种种子的其他盆暴露于深阴影条件下(实验II),分别对应于4 g和1 g的草和橡木垃圾。 4.在间歇干燥的条件下,两种凋落物类型均增加了幼苗的出苗率。此外,我们发现凋落物类型与物种起源之间存在显着的相互作用:林地树种的幼苗出苗率从草屑下明显低于橡树凋落物,而草地物种在两种凋落物下均表现得很好。与遮荫布下的种子发芽相比,草丛下面林地物种的出苗减少了44%。凋落物显着影响土壤湿度和昼夜温度波动幅度。凋落物类型对林地和草地物种的不同影响可能与凋落物结构有关。 5.合成。我们的实验数据表明,生态系统特定的凋落物影响减缓了从草地到林地的演替,并且影响大小受存在的凋落物数量和环境条件控制。



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