首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Geology: a semi-quarterly magazine of geology and related sciences >The Fossil Accretionary Wedge of the Bay of Biscay: Critical Wedge Analysis on Depth-Migrated Seismic Sections and Geodynamical Implications

The Fossil Accretionary Wedge of the Bay of Biscay: Critical Wedge Analysis on Depth-Migrated Seismic Sections and Geodynamical Implications


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The accretionary wedge of the Bay of Biscay is an east-west compressive belt buried under recent sediments of the abyssal plain at the north Iberian margin. This structure formed through the partial closure of the previously extended Biscay basin during the Cenozoic north-south collision between Europe and Iberia, the same collision that produced the Cantabrian-Pyrenean range on land. Three north-south seismic sections have been prestack depth migrated, showing a narrow-tapered wedge (7°-8°) whose internal structure corresponds to a set of south-dipping thrusts converging toward a basal decollement. There are differences along strike within the wedge: thrust spacing, the dip of the basal thrust, and the thickness of the sediments at the trough augment toward the east, increasing its overall size. The two-dimensional velocity models obtained through migration analysis reflect values between 2000 km/s at the sea floor (4500 m) and 5000 km/s at 12-km depth. The syntectonic package thickness varies from 1.5 to 3 km, while the posttectonic cover attains 1.5-2 km. A simple analysis based on critical wedge theory approaches suggests that the Biscay wedge formed in similar conditions to active submarine wedges, the strength of the decollement being lower than the strength of the wedge itself. Further comparison with other examples indicates high basal stress, which could be an added factor in the convergence stopping at this margin. The eastward size increase is attributed to the provision of extra sediments by the coetaneous rising of the cordillera on land. This weight steepens the basal angle without affecting the overall taper. Surprisingly, the eastward change from an oceanic to a transitional basement does not seem to be crucial in its geometry.
机译:比斯开湾的增生楔形物是东西向压缩带,埋在伊比利亚北缘深海平原的近期沉积物之下。这种结构是在欧洲和伊比利亚之间的新生代南北碰撞期间,通过先前封闭的比斯开盆地的部分封闭而形成的,该碰撞也是在陆地上产生坎塔布连-比利牛斯山脉的。三个南北地震剖面已经进行了叠前深度偏移,显示出一个楔形楔形楔形物(7°-8°),其内部结构对应于一组向南向冲断的聚变,这些聚积向着基底弯折汇聚。楔形内沿走向的差异是:推力间距​​,基底推力的倾角和槽内沉积物的厚度向东增加,从而增加了总体尺寸。通过迁移分析获得的二维速度模型反映了海床(4500 m)处2000 km / s和12 km深度处5000 km / s之间的值。构造包的厚度从1.5到3 km不等,而构造后盖达到1.5-2 km。根据临界楔形理论方法进行的简单分析表明,比斯开楔形结构在与活动海底楔形结构相似的条件下形成,挠曲强度低于楔形本身的强度。与其他示例的进一步比较表明,较高的基础应力可能是收敛在此边缘停止的附加因素。向东的尺寸增加归因于陆地上山脉的迅速上升而提供了额外的沉积物。该重量使底角变陡而不会影响整体锥度。出人意料的是,从大洋地下室向过渡地下室的东移对它的几何形状似乎并不重要。



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