首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of arthroplasty >A prospective randomized trial of cemented femoral components with polished versus grit-blasted surface finish and identical stem geometry.

A prospective randomized trial of cemented femoral components with polished versus grit-blasted surface finish and identical stem geometry.


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This randomized, prospective study compared 2 cemented hip stems that differed only in the surface finish, which was polished or grit blasted. A total of 226 hybrid total hips were evaluated at an average of 4.8 years postoperatively. No stem in either group was loose or revised for aseptic loosening. There was one case of significant distal lysis in the grit-blasted group. There was no statistical difference between polished and grit-blasted stems in incidence of lysis or bone-cement radiolucency. Harris Hip score, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), and SF-36 analysis showed no difference between groups. In conclusion, when adequate cement mantles are achieved around the femoral component, little difference in construct durability between polished and grit-blasted surface finish components can be detected at 4.8-year follow-up for this stem design.
机译:这项随机,前瞻性研究比较了2个仅在表面光洁度不同的骨水泥髋关节柄,这些髋关节柄是经过抛光或喷砂处理的。术后平均4.8年对总共226个杂种全髋关节进行了评估。两组均无茎松动或因无菌性松动而改良。喷砂处理组中有1例远端溶解明显。抛光和喷砂处理的茎在裂解或骨水泥射线不透性发生率方面无统计学差异。 Harris Hip评分,西安大略省和麦克马斯特大学骨关节炎指数(WOMAC)以及SF-36分析显示两组之间无差异。总之,当在股骨组件周围形成足够的水泥覆盖层时,对于这种茎杆设计,在4.8年的随访中,抛光和喷砂表面处理组件之间的结构耐久性几乎没有差异。



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