首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of dermatology >Pigmented contact dermatitis due to therapeutic sensitizer as complication of contact immunotherapy in alopecia areata.

Pigmented contact dermatitis due to therapeutic sensitizer as complication of contact immunotherapy in alopecia areata.


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Pigmentary complication by contact immunotherapy (CI) for alopecia areata (AA) has been reported but its pathophysiology remains unknown. To characterize pigmentary complication by CI and its pathophysiology, we examined the incidence of hyperpigmentation in 186 consecutive patients treated with CI using diphenylcyclopropenone. From clinical data of AA totalis (AAT) or universalis (AAU) patients (n = 78), we studied the correlations between this complication and age, sex, atopic background, duration and treatment responsiveness, duration of CI, final concentration of diphenylcyclopropenone and administration of anti-histamines by chi(2)-test or Mann-Whitney U-test. Additionally, the histopathology of pigmentation was studied. As a result, 11 (5.91%) of the 186 patients had hyperpigmentation in this series. All of them had AAT or AAU, suggesting that the pigmentation is apt to occur in severe AA. When the AAT or AAU patients with (n = 11) and without hyperpigmentation (n = 67) were compared, those with pigmentation showed poorer responsiveness to CI (P < 0.05) but no significant tendency for other factors. Histopathologically, skin specimens showed lichenoid or vacuolar interface dermatitis with necrotic keratinocytes and dermal melanophages, consistent with pigmented contact dermatitis (PCD). Together, pigmentary complication by CI corresponds to PCD from therapeutic sensitizer, representing clinical indicator of poor responsiveness.
机译:已经报道了通过接触免疫疗法(CI)治疗斑秃(AA)引起的色素性并发症,但其病理生理学仍然未知。为了通过CI及其病理生理学表征色素性并发症,我们检查了186名使用二苯环丙酮连续治疗CI的连续色素沉着的发生率。从AA totalis(AAT)或Universalis(AAU)患者(n = 78)的临床数据中,我们研究了该并发症与年龄,性别,特应性背景,持续时间和治疗反应性,CI持续时间,二苯环丙酮的终浓度和通过chi(2)-test或Mann-Whitney U-test施用抗组胺药。另外,研究了色素沉着的组织病理学。结果,该系列186例患者中有11例(5.91%)色素沉着过多。他们都患有AAT或AAU,表明在严重的AA中容易发生色素沉着。当比较AAT或AAU患者(n = 11)和无色素沉着(n = 67)时,色素沉着患者对CI的反应较差(P <0.05),但对其他因素无明显趋势。组织病理学上,皮肤标本显示为类苔质或液泡界面皮炎,坏死角质形成细胞和皮肤黑色素细胞,与色素性接触性皮炎(PCD)一致。总之,CI引起的色素性并发症相当于治疗敏化剂的PCD,代表了不良反应的临床指标。



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