首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Chemical association and electronic structure: A new theoretical approach

Chemical association and electronic structure: A new theoretical approach


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Chemical association introduces essential modifications in the microscopic structure of disordered materials, as new species are formed and the density of reactants deceases. These radical changes in the microscopic structure cannot be adequately captured by the pair distribution function, and hence descriptions of the electronic structure at the level of the effective medium approximation break down. We here propose a novel approach closely connected with the single superchain/effective medium approximation, in which the effects of chemical association are explicitly built-in. The new approximation has been tested in a simple minded model of alkali metal, namely a hard sphere fluid with a one-level tight-binding Hamiltonian with transfer matrix elements modeled by Yukawa terms. This fluid is thought to undergo a dimerization process to yield hard dumbbells via an intermediate stage in which a mixture is present. The proposed approach reproduces the band structure obtained by direct diagonalization for various stages along the reaction path, while retaining the simplicity of a linear theory. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [References: 8]
机译:随着新物种的形成和反应物密度的降低,化学缔合对无序物质的微观结构进行了必要的修饰。配对结构不能充分捕捉微观结构中的这些根本变化,因此,在有效介质近似水平上对电子结构的描述会破裂。我们在这里提出一种与单个超链/有效介质近似紧密相关的新颖方法,其中化学缔合的作用是明确建立的。新的近似值已在一种简单的碱金属模型中进行了测试,即一种具有由Yukawa项建模的传递矩阵元素的单级紧密结合哈密顿量的硬球形流体。认为该流体经过二聚化过程以经由存在混合物的中间阶段产生硬哑铃。所提出的方法再现了沿着反应路径的各个阶段通过直接对角化获得的能带结构,同时保留了线性理论的简单性。 (C)1998美国物理研究所。 [参考:8]



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