首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of dermatological treatment >Three cases of perioral dermatitis related to fusobacteria treated with beta-lactam antibiotics

Three cases of perioral dermatitis related to fusobacteria treated with beta-lactam antibiotics


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Background: The oral tetracyclines, especially minocycline hydrochloride, are often used as an effective treatment for perioral dermatitis; however, they are sometimes difficult to use, especially in children, because of the side effects. Objective: The effectiveness of beta-lactam antibiotics was evaluated in three cases of perioral dermatitis. Methods: Three Japanese patients with perioral dermatitis were treated with cefcapene pivoxil hydrochloride hydrate per os 100-300 mg/day. They were one girl (aged 10 years) and two adult women (aged 32 and 37 years respectively). One of the adult patients had a past history of Meniere's disease and the other had had a side effect, vertigo, from minocycline hydrochloride treatment. The presence of fusobacteria before and after the treatment was examined using the tape-stripping toluidine blue method. Results: These patients showed the improvement in 1-2 weeks and were much improved or cured after 2-5 weeks. No side effects were found during the treatment. Fusobacteria were positive before treatment but became negative after the treatment in all of them. Conclusion: The b-lactam antibiotics might be a useful treatment for perioral dermatitis, especially in cases who cannot take tetracyclines.
机译:背景:口服四环素,尤其是盐酸米诺环素,通常被用作治疗口周皮炎的有效方法。然而,由于副作用,它们有时难以使用,尤其是在儿童中。目的:评估三例口腔周围皮炎中β-内酰胺类抗生素的有效性。方法:3例日本口服口周皮炎患者接受口服头孢哌酮盐酸哌伏西酯水合口服100-300 mg /天。他们是一个女孩(10岁)和两个成年女性(分别为32岁和37岁)。一名成年患者曾有美尼尔氏病的病史,另一名患者曾因盐酸米诺环素治疗而产生眩晕(副作用)。使用胶带剥离甲苯胺蓝法检查治疗前后的细菌性细菌的存在。结果:这些患者在1-2周内表现出改善,在2-5周后明显改善或治愈。在治疗期间未发现副作用。梭菌在治疗前均为阳性,但在治疗后均为阴性。结论:β-内酰胺类抗生素可能是治疗口周皮炎的有效方法,尤其是在不能服用四环素的情况下。



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