首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: Official Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology >Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Biological Agents: When Modeling Meets Reality

Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Biological Agents: When Modeling Meets Reality


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The pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of many biological agents (biologics) have inherent complexities requiring specialized approaches to develop reliable, unbiased models. Three cases are covered: preponderance of zero values, nonresponder subpopulations, and adaptive dosing. Engineered biologics exhibit high affinity for target receptors. Biologies can saturate receptors, abolishing free receptor levels for protracted periods. Consequently, the distribution of observations can be heavy at, and near, the boundary. A 2-part model (ie, a truncated 8 log-normal distribution) may be appropriate. Mixture models identify subpopulations based on bimodal or multimodal distributions of eta values. With biologies, PD may be compromised because of lack of receptors, or the PD may be affected because of other events resulting in erratic excursions. Nonresponders exhibit a random walk-around placebo trajectory, resulting in high residual variability. The distributions of etas are often badly skewed or polymodal. An indescribable mixture model separates subjects who are nonresponders, providing diagnostic pharmacologic information on the drug. Many biologies use PD-based adaptive dosing. During model development, data used for model development include adaptive dosing. For simulation, adaptive dosing must be implemented. Failure to account for dose adjustments results in biased or inflated prediction intervals because subjects in the simulated data undergo inappropriate dose adjustments.
机译:许多生物制剂(生物制剂)的药代动力学(PK)和药效动力学(PD)具有内在的复杂性,因此需要专门的方法来开发可靠,无偏的模型。涵盖了三种情况:零值优势,无响应者亚群和自适应剂量。工程生物制剂对靶受体表现出高亲和力。生物可以使受体饱和,从而在较长时期内消除游离受体的水平。因此,观测值的分布在边界处和边界附近可能很重。两部分模型(即,截断的8对数正态分布)可能是合适的。混合物模型基于eta值的双峰或多峰分布识别亚群。使用生物制剂时,PD可能会因为缺乏受体而受到损害,或者PD可能由于其他导致不稳定漂移的事件而受到影响。无反应者表现出随机的安慰剂轨迹,从而导致较高的残留变异性。 etas的分布通常严重偏斜或处于多峰状态。难以描述的混合物模型将无反应的受试者分开,提供了有关该药物的诊断药理学信息。许多生物使用基于PD的自适应剂量。在模型开发过程中,用于模型开发的数据包括自适应剂量。为了进行仿真,必须实施自适应剂量。未能说明剂量调整会导致预测间隔出现偏差或膨胀,因为模拟数据中的受试者会进行不适当的剂量调整。



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