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WWZ analysis on the variability data of quasar 3C 345

机译:WWZ对类星体3C 345的变异性数据的分析

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A new method to analyze unevenly-spaced data is described. It is based on the principle of wavelet analysis and called the weighted wavelet Z-transform (WWZ). Rather complete optical B-band data of the quasar 3C 345 in more than 100 years are collected to obtain its long-term light curve. With the WWZ method, the variability data from 1965 to 1992 are analyzed. The result shows that the data contain 3 periodical components, in which the periodicity of T = 4.54 ~ 5.23. yr and T = 9.59 ~ 11.51. yr is steady, while T = 624 ~ 941. d is not a steady period.
机译:描述了一种分析空间不均匀数据的新方法。它基于小波分析原理,称为加权小波Z变换(WWZ)。收集超过100年的类星体3C 345的完整光学B波段数据,以获得其长期光曲线。使用WWZ方法,分析了1965年至1992年的变异性数据。结果表明,该数据包含3个周期分量,其中T = 4.54〜5.23。 yr,T = 9.59〜11.51。 yr是稳定的,而T = 624〜941。d不是稳定的时期。



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