首页> 外文期刊>The journal of hand surgery. British and European volume: Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand >Early active mobilization of primary repairs of the flexor pollicis longus tendon with two Kessler two-strand core sutures and a strengthened circumferential suture.

Early active mobilization of primary repairs of the flexor pollicis longus tendon with two Kessler two-strand core sutures and a strengthened circumferential suture.


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This study reports our treatment of divided flexor pollicis longus (FPL) tendons by primary repair from 1999 to 2002. Forty-eight FPL repairs were performed using two Kessler two-strand repairs with a cross-linked Silfverskiold circumferential suture. All were rehabilitated by early active mobilization. Excellent or good results were observed in 73/77% of cases (White/Buck-Gramcko assessments, respectively). No patients (0%) ruptured their repair as a result of early active mobilization. Two patients (4%) developed post-operative infections with wound and tendon dehiscence. This combination of repairs addresses the problem of rupture of FPL during early mobilization which we experienced in previous studies. Its problems and alternatives are discussed.
机译:这项研究报告了我们从1999年至2002年通过一次修复来治疗长屈肌腱(FPL)肌腱断裂的方法。四项FPL修复是使用两个凯斯勒(Kessler)两股双股修复与交联的Silfverskiold圆周缝合进行的。早期积极动员使所有患者康复。在73/77%的病例中观察到了优异或良好的结果(分别为White / Buck-Gramcko评估)。没有患者(0%)因早期积极动员而破坏其修复。两名患者(4%)术后出现伤口和肌腱裂开感染。维修的这种组合解决了我们在先前研究中经历的早期动员期间FPL破裂的问题。讨论了它的问题和替代方法。



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